[WRP] Update, Announcements, Dictatorship Sponsor

Day 2,767, 18:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Hello members of the WRP.
First of all I would like to thank you all for your continued support in being re elected. Commiserations and respect to Alexander Atem of course. Let us hope we can get some good stuff done in this term.

First update, our new vPP is none other than fresh face to the party ApronChef. There are not many reasons for this, Atem is still a top guy, but has been slightly inactive as of late, and if he returns I would love for him to head up our recruitment department. ApronChef has recently come over from ESO, not only will he be saving me and joining our Rome Total War team, but he will be assisting in heightening the profile of the party, I hope...

The Constitution is in the process of being written and progress will be made on it. I hope to alert you all soon once a first draft has been produced.

I have a brand new avatar. Thank you very much to my friend Bruce Wayne. I am quite a fan haha ;P.

And finally: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bruce-wayne-speaks--2532029/1/20

In regards to this article. I maintain respect for Bruce Wayne. However I disagree with the premise of his article and campaign for dictator. I believe that this is a misguided attempt to seize power simply spurred on by recent political disputes in the eUK Community. For starters I believe it needs to be emphasized that the role of dictator is purely a game logistic. The Dictator simply pushes what buttons the cabinet tells him to push, and when to push them. Woldy is very efficient at pushing said buttons.
At this time, the official Sponsorship and support of Aaron Mark Daniels goes to Mr Woldy. A vote will be held in the party, should the time come and Bruce achieves 10 sponsors, which in the interest of democracy I am not against a vote happening, then the party's official candidate will be decided by a vote, however for now I am making it clear, that my Personal support goes to Mr Woldy

Thank you for reading, eUK and WRP Members alike. This has been a somewhat serious article. Fun Stuff coming tomorrow, I promise 😉

Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister for Entertainment
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, eUK Minister for Entertainment

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.