[WRP] Constitution Ratification

Day 2,795, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Honhourable members, thank you for voting me for Party President for a fourth time! So much gratitude to you all. In the meantime I am able to head the party on this historic day!

Now, voter turnout for both the constitution and the Election is not as high as we would have expected and we will hope to address this.

In the meantime I hereby bring into ratification, circulation etc, the
Worker's Rights Party Constitution

Name and Objective:
This organisation shall be known as “The Workers’ Rights Party” (hereby referred to as ‘the party’). It’s purpose is to strive towards a fair and democratic system in parliament and to continuously contemplate and reflect upon the best ways to translate traditional socialist values into the gaming environment of the eUK.

This formal document seeks to establish the procedure and policy of the Workers’ Rights Party. We aim to base our progress through the political and social culture of the eUK based on the principles and institutions outlined in this document.

Guiding Principles:
1.The party acknowledges that the majority of eRepublik players and WRP party members do not use IRC or the forums. As such a fundamental principle of the party will be to maintain an effective leadership whilst being as inclusive and open as possible.

a. As such the party will institutionalize measures to consult regularly with its membership, and shall strive on all major policy based decisions to defer decision making to a general vote of the entire party’s membership.
b. The party will strive to perform as much of the day to day running of the party in game.
c. The party will lead by example in efforts to bridge the gap between people and politicians.

2. The party aims to alleviate the position of lower income citizens and ‘workers’ in the eUK.
a. The party will encourage rebates and reward schemes that see national wealth distributed evenly amongst the public.
b. The party will maintain the running of its official MU, the FBI, in order to provide weapons and food to its members.
c. The party will explore economic methods to return wealth to both the public on a national scale and party members on a local scale.

3. The party wishes to preserve democratic procedures whilst recognising that institutions such as the Dictator position are highly advantageous to the eUK’s security.
a. The party understands Congress as the ultimate deciding body of the eUK by merit of being representative of the views of the general public.
b. As such, a fundamental principle of the party is that Congress should be the ultimate deciding body of the eUK’s political systems and therefore will encourage Congress to be active and aware. The party aims to lead by example in this respect.
c. As such, the party shall direct external policy toward making Congress as visible, open, and transparent as possible and shall focus internal policy on representing the voices of its members.

Organisation of the Party:

1. Before the twentieth of each month the Party President shall begin a Party Conference.

a. The Conference shall strive to establish Party Policy and approach for the following month in a way truly representative of the Party membership.

b. As such the Conference will aim to consult the entire party membership on matters of policy and principle, to determine issues and attitudes of the Party’s Congressmen and to provide either a framework for the running of a CP candidate from within WRP or a criteria with which to determine who to back from outside of the party.

c. The Conference shall be organised in a way which respects the first Guiding Principle of the party and as such shall take place ingame, including though not exclusive to the use of ingame messaging threads/discussion groups, articles and discussions in the comments, debates and discussions in party feeds, and the use of eRepublik’s internal forums.

d. The Conference shall be concluded on the 23rd of each month with results and statements published ingame by the party leadership.

2. The Party leadership takes responsibility for keeping the wider membership well informed on activities of the Party and its elected representatives.

a. As such the Party members will be encouraged to speak with one another and prominent members of the party about anything they may need help on.

b. As such the Party leadership will maintain a strong presence in the party feed, publish informative articles and maintain the running of a Party newsletter for the benefit of its members and the wider public.
I. Activities of the Party leadership, elected Congressmen, and any other notable activities shall be included and disseminated for the benefit of the Party membership.
II. Issues covered do not have to be exclusively pertaining to the Party and can involve updates on general goings on in the eUK, including but not limited to games, competitions, battle orders and so on.
III. Party members must be given the option to ‘opt out’ of any message based communications as some members may not want to feel spammed.

3. The Party shall maintain group messages with the wider membership based on how engaged members wish to be with the party, ranging from active, close consultative groups between the Party heads and members, to more passive groups in which the Party Spokesperson simply spreads news and updates.

4. On matters deemed of special importance, a general vote of the entire party membership may be taken in order to determine the Party’s stance.

a. These can be policy matters, Constitutional issues, or a means of settling disagreements within the Party itself.
b. Votes will be arranged ingame with all members being contacted with information on how to cast their vote.
c. In the instance of a gdoc or external vote system being adopted, Party Leadership must allow members to cast their vote by stating their intention in an ingame message in keeping with the first Guiding Principle of the Party.
d. A debating period may precede a general vote.

5. It is by a general vote that the Party’s CP candidate shall be selected.
Candidates from either inside or outside the party must have stated their intent to run by the first of each month.

a. On the second of each month the Party President will contact the entire party membership with details on how to cast their vote.

b. The option to support no-one must be included.

c. On the third of each month the Party President will place the party’s support for the winning candidate (if applicable) and produce an article detailing the results.

d. Candidates may provide supporting statements.

e. Members will be encouraged to consider candidates manifestos and most importantly, to what extent the goals determined by the WRP Party Conference will be facilitated by any particular candidate when voting.
Such information should be provided alongside details on how to cast votes.

6. The Congress selection process shall remain transparent and open. The Party, in respect of its third guiding principle, shall aim to select active Congressmen and encourage new or less engaged players who want to experience more to apply for a position in Congress.

a. Any individual who candidates themselves ingame is encouraged to contact the Party President with some form of supporting statement.

b. When considering who to place on the Congress list, previous track record (where applicable, Speaker attendance reports are a good example) and activity should be considered.

c. A player should not be excluded from the list simply for being ‘inexperienced’, but the Party wishes members to respect that the Party cannot guarantee getting an individual into Congress and if they have dubious activity they may be placed lower on the list than more active members.

d. The Party expects all Congress candidates to be aware of the Party Constitution, Conference, and the guiding ethos of actually representing the Party membership.

e. In order to keep the process efficient, the final say on the proposed Congress list will be with the Party President.
i. Party Members may lobby the PP on their decision on who to place on the list through petitions, a record of which should be included when the final list is published before elections.
ii. It is the prerogative of the PP to respond to any petitions on including or excluding Congress Candidates accordingly, in respect of remaining representative.
1. Such petitioning may also influence the position of an individual on the candidacy list.

Relationship with Party Military Unit

The Party Acknowledges The Free British Irregulars as its official MU, and as such will make members aware of the MU and what joining entails in terms of military supplies.

The Party rules that the FBI will not be used as an extension of the Party’s political influence. As such, Party views will be voiced and enacted through Congress and not by attempting to use force through the party MU.

The Party rules that the MU will follow the orders of the Country President and his or her Government regardless of the Party’s stance toward that Government and its military policy. This is in respect of the Country Presidents democratic mandate to rule.

The day to day running of the MU, the MU leadership, supply mechanisms and sources and all factors relating to the functioning of the MU remain the responsibility of the MU Commander and the MU’s soldiers; it is not the place of the Party Leadership to interfere.

Do You agree to ratify the constitution?
Aaron Mark Daniels
Jacob Christopher Brown
Marvin hagler
John Morrow - Good document, sensible and democratic.
Akihiko Sanada - "The Party leadership takes responsibility for keeping the wider membership will informed on activities of the Party and its elected representatives."
I think you meant well informed, not will informed. Thank you Akihiko, amended.
mwcerberus - more blackjack and hookers
Colin Chipphilfer Brown - We need to push the notion of informing the party in-game more as too much stuff seems to take place on IRC. Newsletter will be brought out accordingly.
Paulus G
Mr Woldy
Huey George - Fine work, kudos to all involved.
John Morrow

Dan L

Ratified 16/07/2015

Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister and WRP Party President
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.