[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 28

Day 2,174, 15:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George


It's been a while since "A view from Parliament" graced the eUK media. I'd like to begin with a delayed thank you to all who cast their vote for the Workers' Rights Party and People's Communist Party coalition. It was fantastic experience to work alongside members from the PCP. I'm once again honoured to be a member of Congress(Parliament) serving the fine citizens of the eUK.

In this article I have for my constituents updates on 4 MPP law proposals and one Natural Enemy law proposal. I'm also honored to announce I've been voted into the role of the Speaker of the House by my fellow members of Congress(Parliament).

Law proposals

Completed MPP law proposal are;

As I outlined in my Congressional Approach I feel comfortable with the existing set our allies the UK holds so would be most likely to vote in favour of re-signing all MPPs however on each MPP I still ensured an informed decision by following the discussions of my fellow members of Congress(Parliament) and careful consideration myself

President of Slovenia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. A very long-standing valuable ally.

The vote ended;
36 YES votes to 0 NO vote in the UK
39 YES vote to 0 NO votes in Slovenia

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Serbia

I voted YES. Another very long standing valuable ally.

The vote ended;
37 YES votes to 1 NO votes in the UK
34 YES vote to 1 NO votes in Serbia

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania

I voted YES. They have proven capable allies providing significant damage to aid us in our battles

The vote ended;
33 YES votes to 2 NO votes in the UK
36 YES vote to 1 NO votes in Romania

President of Argentina proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. It's hard to argue against the amount of 'night-time' damage they provide the UK and they are a dream for anyone who sets the daily orders for a Military Unit as they are an ally always in a conflict that we can help out in, meaning we are never short an daily order option.

The vote ended;
33 YES votes to 2 NO vote in the UK
34 YES vote to 3 NO votes in Argentina

Natural Enemy

Norway has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted YES. Seemed a strong option to ensure the eUK had a direct conflict and the advantages that brings. It may also help us provide direct support our allies in the Baltic region if required.

The vote ended;
29 YES votes to 5 NO votes

Closing thoughts

A fairly quiet start to this Congressional (Parliamentary) term however a positive start. Each and every member of Congress (Parliament) seems willing to make a real effort to take part in discussions. Each in their own way also seems to be intent on doing what they feel is best for the UK, which is exactly how it should be.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Who are the Free British Irregulars?

The Free British Irregulars, fights for freedom, fairness and justice, we fight for the United Kingdom and her allies. Although the proud fighting arm of the Workers' Rights Party we will accept any man or woman who uphold our ideals.

We are a open, creative and progressive military unit, with every solider free to follow their own path and find their destiny in aid of the eUK.

Consider Enlisting today!

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs