[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 24

Day 2,017, 13:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George

"A view from Parliament" returns. First of all thank you to all who cast their vote for the Workers' Rights Party and People's Communist Party coalition. It was fantastic experience to work alongside members from the PCP. I'm once again honoured to be a member of Congress(Parliament) serving the fine citizens of the eUK.

Also congratulations to my fellow WRP members of Congress;
and the PCP member of Congress
on obtaining seats.
It's unlucky we missed out on a seat for our 5th proposed candidate Sir Botham too.

It was great to see the Workers' Rights Party in the top 5 during an elections for Congress(Parliament) to allow the party to continue to make a positive impact on the politics of the eUK.

On to recent law proposals I have voted on...

Law proposals

Completed law proposal are;

Natural Enemy

USA has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted NO. As there wasn't much weight behind this proposal or public support and it was proposed more in jest. If it had passed it'd have possibly caused more harm for the eUK than benefit.

The vote ended;
9 YES votes to 37 NO votes


VAT & Import Taxes: Defense System
Value added tax (VAT) from 1% to 3%
Import Tax from 1% to 3%

I voted No. As there would have been no benefit to my constituents as a result of the tax change.

The vote ended;
5 YES votes to 31 NO votes

Minimum Wage

Minimum wage change from 0.1 GBP to 5 GBP

I voted NO. This is to support the commune worker, those citizens who choose to work for goods as oppose to GBP. The eUK job market is also in such a state that a wage above 5 GBP can be easily obtained.

The vote ended;
9 YES votes to 27 NO votes


Income tax change from 5% to 9%

I voted NO. As the government does not need to take more from my constituents.

The vote ended;
3 YES votes to 32 NO votes


VAT & Import Taxes: Food
Value added tax (VAT) from 10% to 9%
Import Tax 75% to 70%

I voted No. I was tempted to vote YES as this could have been for the benefit of my constituents however it had no support or like many of the above law proposals had no supporting case so little chance on succeeding. If a debate could be held in the future I believe a similar law proposal could gain enough support as I'd like to see a reduction in the taxes on food.

The vote ended;
9 YES votes to 27 NO votes

Natural Enemy

Germany has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted YES. Initially hesitate as I had concerns we could campaign against Irish resistance and open a war front in the East. Ayame Crocodile arguments swayed me that this move was for the benefit of our allies. His article about the law proposal can be found here.

The vote ended;
33 YES votes to 0 NO votes


President of Colombia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. Another ally to support our conflicts. Colombia have a large base of citizens who could be vital in close battles.

The vote ended;
29 YES votes to 3 NO votes in the UK
9 YES votes to 1 NO vote in Columbia


President of Slovenia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. This was because Slovenia are a fellow “TWO” member. They've proven to be a very good ally to have. A continuation of the MPP makes absolute sense and will aid the general population of both countries with extra fighters for their conflicts.

The vote ended;
33 YES votes to 0 NO votes in the UK
38 YES votes to 0 NO votes in Slovenia

Issue Money

Proposal to issue 0 GBP for 0 GOLD.

I voted NO. As this would have had no benefit to my constituents.

The vote ended;
5 YES votes to 28 NO votes in the UK

Closing thoughts

I've been kindly elected as Speaker of the House. It's a role which ensures communication between members of Congress, the Country President and his cabinet to discuss important matters. I look forward to getting used to the role and trying and improve it with my own particular style.

I'd also like to remind all my constituents that my 'door' (inbox/comments on article such as these, etc) is always open. I welcome all views and en-devour to try and represent you to the best of my abilities.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Who are the Free British Irregulars?

The Free British Irregulars, fights for freedom, fairness and justice, we fight for the United Kingdom and her allies. Although the proud fighting arm of the Workers' Rights Party we will accept any man or woman who uphold our ideals.

We are a open, creative and progressive military unit, with every solider free to follow their own path and find their destiny in aid of the eUK.

The Free British Irregulars supply:

Weekly supply of 25 Q6 Weapons and other weapon supplies to help build rockets if required.
Weekly supply of 250 Q5 Food
Extra supplies to complete missions and mercenary medals
Reward supplies for leveling up your military rank or experience level
Stability, direction and a strong chain of command

Consider Enlisting today!

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs
Speaker of the House