[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 20

Day 1,966, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George


In this "A view from Parliament" we find ourselves partly occupied by Argentina, I'll let you know how I voted on 8 completed law proposals and close with a few thoughts about the war with Argentina and Ireland from my position in Congress(Parliament).

Also congratulations to Jimbojoy on his CP election victory

and the Workers' Rights Party very own FightAndProduce on being appointed uMoHA in Jimbojoy's cabinet.

Law proposals

Completed law proposal are;

President of Argentina proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted NO. An attempt of an "April Fool's" by Argentina's President. An airstrike on East Midlands by our "potential allies" Argentina followed.

The vote ended;
9 YES votes to 30 NO votes in the UK
2 YES votes to 30 NO votes in Argentina

President of Ireland proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted NO. Another attempt of an "April Fool's" this time by Ireland's President. An attack on Northern Ireland followed by our "potential allies" Ireland.

The vote ended;
3 YES votes to 35 NO votes in the UK
10 YES votes to 17 NO votes in Ireland

President of Paraguay proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. In times of war, good allies are vital and none much finer than Paraguay could be asked for.

The vote ended;
35 YES votes to 0 NO votes in the UK
27 YES votes to 1 NO votes in Paraguay

President of Brazil proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. Once again, like Paraguay, in times of war, good allies are vital. Brazil are an impressively strong nation with a great base of citizens who know a bit about dealing damage to Argentina.

The vote ended;
32 YES votes to 1 NO votes in the UK
34 YES votes to 3 NO votes in Brazil

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Mexico

The vote ended;
37 YES votes to 0 NO votes in the UK
37 YES votes to 1 NO votes in Mexico

I voted YES. Once again, like Paraguay and Brazil, in times of war, good allies are vital. Mexico have been long standing friends and will prove to be staunch allies with a great base of citizens willing to fight for the UK.

Ireland has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

The vote ended;
3 YES votes to 34 NO votes

I voted NO. At the time Argentina were Congress' and the Government's priority to propose as our Natural Enemy. Our strength in a straight fight against Ireland also means a 10% bonus is nice however isn't required to win battles if needed elsewhere.

Argentina has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

The vote ended;
35 YES votes to 1 NO votes

I voted YES. At the time this was to increase our "fight" against the Argentine and will prove useful in the long-term as it looks like this war for the UK could be a hard conflict to win. However the resolve of our citizenship and that of our allies citizenship means we'll ultimately be successful I'm sure.

Minimum wage change from 0.5 GBP to 0.1 GBP

I voted YES. This is because most citizen who choose to work for minimum wage do so for a reason, such as part of a commune, as it's very easy to obtain a position in a UK company for wages far exceeding 0.1 and 0.5. If my constituents involved with communes want this I don't see the point voting against it.

The vote ended;
23 YES votes to 7 NO votes

Closing thoughts

We've fought well against Argentina however East Midlands, West Midlands, Yorkshire & Humberside, South East of England and London have been conquered. Our allies have been great, with one of our allies, Spain launching an airstrike on Argentine home soil leaving Argentina wiped in South America and "clinging" on in the UK.

Government and Congress has decided to concentrate our damage on Ireland to close off a war on two fronts and ensure the UK will hold onto regions if we lose our own for the end of the month Congress elections. Taking Shannon will also give us a border with Spain meaning if Argentina come for Shannon, they'll have to face an European Spain attack. This is a wise move to allow us with our allies to fully concentrate on Argentina in time to remove them from the British Isles and will "clip" the wings of the Irish. Our war with the Irish started slowly with Northern Ireland and Scotland conquered however we held Wales and conquered Wrexford with resistance forces taking back Scotland and Northern Ireland and things are going well in Shannon.

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Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs