[Wild Owl] One More Time

Day 2,657, 06:17 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl

Hello America,

Its been a pretty interesting month for us as a country.

The Admins implemented our new bonuses at the start of the month, which, for the first time in eRepublik’s history, gave us full bonuses in our cores, allowing us to exert our damage as we please, without having to worry about any enemies draining our damage. This made our NSC team’s job a lot easier, as the pressure has definitely been off us and on our enemies. Countries that have opposed us in the past few months, such as Spain, FYROM and Chile found themselves without Congress this month, which just goes to show the strength of our allies and friends against our enemies. The Department of State has worked extremely well, and our strong position in Foreign Affairs continues to exist, while our Domestic Departments have never been stronger. Life is good for us Americans, and the government will do whatever it can to ensure that this state of affairs continues.

As a country, we stand at an interesting juncture. Never before has America been this powerful. However, our strength needs to be harnessed, and our success and consistency in the past few months needs to be continued. For this reason, I am candidating for Country President for March 2015 . In my next few articles, I’ll be revealing my plans and what I intend to do as your CP next month.

Wild Owl