[WHPR] eNPR/Federalist Air Special tonight!

Day 2,051, 15:06 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

If you haven’t seen eNPR yet, now’s the best time to start!

Dateline: Tuesday, July 2nd (Day 2,051)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR
1. eNPR partners with Federalist Air: On Tonight!
2. Unity Update
3. Recruitment Drive

As you hopefully know by now, eNPR is the government’s premier Blog Talk Radio program, which airs every Tuesday at 19:00 erep/10EST/7PST. The show is dedicated to bringing on major government officials, and other people of interest, to discuss and inform about issues pertinent to the daily functioning of the country. Over the course of the past month, we’ve had basically the entire cabinet on the show, primarily hosted by Civil Anarchy, Secretary of Media, and Dr Luis Sentieiro, Vice President. We’ve also had a number of guests on, mostly just regular citizens interested in the program, to come on and talk about what they’re like to. One of the original purposes of eNPR was to establish a direct link between the people of the nation, and the government itself, by a literal skype line between anyone and the members of government.

You should probably also know about Federalist Air, a recently created Mixlr show created by Derphoof and Paul Proteus, intended to inform people about the activities of the Federalist party, and be a sort of hang out for members to talk about national issues, party issues, or simply, whatever they’d like. Fed Air goes live an hour before eNPR each night, so there’s always been a bit of crossover between the two, whether it be crossover of issues discussed, or eNPR hosts sneaking their way onto Fed Air as guests.

Tonight, on the final eNPR of the month, we’ve decided to do a combined show between the two programs. Join co-hosts Derphoof, Civil Anarchy, Paul Proteus, and Dr Luis Sentieiro for an hour long eNPR/Federalist Air special, discussing operation H.A.M., the upcoming Presidential Election, and other events of note.

Join #eNPR for more information, and tune in at 10 PM EST to listen live, or call in yourself!

You can also catch Federalist Air at 9 PM EST, or 18:00 eRep, and by joining #FederalistAir.

As per the new Unity Charter, parties participating in the system end their primaries today. While results have not yet been tallied by the Unity Commissioner, most of the Top 4 Parties have made their results public, and a clear favorite has emerged. Attached below are results for the Federalist Party, USWP, AMP, and WTP;

Federalist Party: 37 for Paul Proteus, 1 for Jacob Daniel Clift, 0 for Heap Seppo
United States Workers Party: Unanimously endorsed Paul Proteus
We The People: 23 for Paul Proteus, 11 for Siddy
American Military Party: 7 for John Largo, 5 for Paul Proteus

At this point, 6th party results are still being tallied, so the election itself isn’t quite over yet. Regardless of the outcome, this month serves as a way of testing out the new method of holding unity elections, through a popular mechanism. Hopefully next month we can see how the system would function in a highly contentious election, but for now, we’ll have to be content with the notion that what could’ve caused problems in the future has been tested, and has functioned without flaws.

Check out the last WHPR for the Recruitment Drive Announcement

You can vote once a day, so make sure to come back every day!
Organizations that have displayed interest in participating:
Rogue Squadron
Easy Company
Cannon Cockers
Socialist Freedom Party
The Activity
The United Republic Party

If you’re the leader of a party, organization, or military unit, and would like to aid the Media department on it’s recruitment drive, we will provide you will these links, as well as 100% of the proceeds, provided they go towards military action, infrastructure, and training. Simply fill out this form if you’re interested in participating: United States Recruitment Drive

Site #1
Site #2
Site #3

The eNPR Schedule:

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific) on www.radiostaronline.net.

eNPR will be live Tuesdays at 19:00 with your host, Civil Anarchy.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Recommended Reading:

Dept of Education: [DoE] Library of Informative Links
This is the complete and comprehensive list of all resources available to US players.
Dept of Interior: [DoI] Free Stuff for America
Free stuff, fairly self explanatory
WHPR: [WHPR] Civil Service Job Fair
Want a job working in Civil Service? Click here!

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::: Shout It! :::
Check out the eNPR/Federalist Air Special tonight at 19:00 eRep! Join Derphoof, Paul Proteus, and CivilAnarchy for the final eNPR of the term! #eNPR

Civil Anarchy

“It’s good to be back”
Secretary of Media

Join a Military or Militia:
| US Civilian MU | Air Force Flight Training | Special Forces | Rogue Squadron | Ultramarines |
| EZ Company | SEAL Team 6 | Sons of Liberty | Bear Cavalry |Cannon Cockers | Training Corps | National Guard | Mobile Infantry | Airborne | Marine Corps | SHIELD

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