[東方之珠] 中國外交政策應注重的地方 What China’s Foreign Policy Should Focus Now

Day 732, 10:29 Published in China USA by Jameson L. Tai
What China’s Foreign Policy Should Focus Now

It is no secret that China is a developing country in the eWorld. It is also no secret that just like in real life, China’s history has been filled with foreign powers taking over sections of our country. At the time of writing, China has a total of six regions in foreign control:

Hungary: Heilongjiang

Iran: Liaoning, Jilin

Indonesia: Guangdong, Fujian, Xinjiang

China’s foreign policy has always been, and until announced otherwise, neutral in international affairs. The reason is simple, every time there’s a world conflict, somehow eChina always gets sucked in to the conflict and then when there is resolution, eChina is left in pieces while the superpowers of the world ignore the reconstruction the warfare left behind.

eChina has been getting progress in having eIndonesia returning certain sections to us as shown by recent resistance wars. However, three regions remain in their control that are strategically advantageous for them to retain control. Guangdong and Fujian are Indonesia’s thoroughfare to the northern areas of China such as Korea and Japan, which opens up access to Russia and the United States. Xinjiang is Indonesia’s ticket to Europe. Indonesia does not deny this fact and has repeatedly made statements to Chinese officials that they are working on getting us our regions back and that they are our friends.

Just like Iran’s previous MPP requests, China has been extremely uncomfortable with faking to be friends with people who steal sections of our land. It’s like having a guy come behind you and put you in the death grip while asking if he could hang out with you and be friends.

PEACE GC is no more – the remaining four countries which several have since nicknamed HIRI (Hungary Indonesia Russia and Iran) have made no statements as to what their plans are in terms of returning Chinese regions, they have made no attempts at asking our officials whether we want our lands returned even though our top officials repeatedly request that HIRI does so.

Before more countries in Sol gets sucked into Indonesia’s threats, China needs to know exactly what HIRI’s plans are for the Far East. The same goes for all other alliance leaders and world powers as well. We will not participate and suckered into joining your cause only to get the short end of the stick yet again.

China needs to focus on the return of our lands and the strengthening of our people – we need to partner with those of us who will help us reach our goals.

If elected, I will make sure that retrieving our lost regions and improving the quality of life of our citizens will be a priority. Please vote for me as congressman of Shaanxi, China on November 25th!

Jameson L. Tai

在eRepublik世界裡,中國是一個開發中的國家,這不是什麼秘密。而正如現實世 界一樣,中國的 史書上也滿是被外國勢力竊取和分割的篇章,這也不是什麼秘密。在寫下本文之時,中國仍 有六個區域在外國控制之下:

中國的外交政策對於國際政治事務歷來是保持中立,原因簡單,因為每次發生國際事件,盟 國都會讓中國陷入麻煩之中。事件了結後,國土會被某一方佔領,而世界大國們事後則佔據 了我們的國土。

首頁中國一直努力在繼續令印度尼亞西歸還這些地區的進程上並在最近一系列的抵抗運動中 有所體現。然而,三個有戰略意義的地區仍然被保留以有助於他們繼續保持對該地域的控制 。廣東和福建是印度尼亞西通往中國北方通往俄羅俄和美國的門戶 - 韓國和日本等地的大道。新疆則是通往歐洲的直航班。印度尼西亞不否認這一事實,並一再 向中國政府重申他們將歸還我們的省份,他們是我們的朋友。

正如之前伊朗向我國提出的MPP的合約要求一樣,中國對要假扮成竊取了我國領土的人的 朋友一事極其不快。就像一個人來到你身後,把你抓住要脅點你的死穴,而問他是否能與您 成為朋友。

和平全球社會現已解散,餘下的四大國又名HIRI(匈牙利,印尼,蘇聯,伊朗)還沒有 作出任何對於還回我土的聲明,而且中方多次嘗試接觸,但他們沒有回應。

在更多的Sol成員國被捲入印尼的威脅之前,中國需要了解HIRI在遠東究竟有什麼樣 的計劃。這一點同樣也同樣適用於其他所有的聯盟領袖和世界強權。我們將不會盲目地加入 任何一方,再一次成為你們的踏腳石。

中國要把注意力集中在歸還我國的土地和富國強民上 - 並且我們需要的是肯真心幫助我們的夥伴。

請在十一月二十五號到陝西投Jameson L. Tai一票!

在eRepubilk世界里,e中国是一个开发中的国家,这不是什么秘密。而正如现实 世界一样,e中 国的史书上也满是被外国势力窃取和分割的篇章,这也不是什么秘密。在写下本文之时,中 国仍有六个区域在外国控制之下:
被匈牙利控制的国土: 黑龙江
被伊朗控制的国土: 辽宁, 吉林
被印尼控制的国土: 广东, 福建, 新疆

中国的外交政策对于国际政治事务历来是保持中立,原因简单,因为每次发生国际事件,盟 国都会让中国陷入麻烦之中。事件了结后,国土会被某一方占领,而世界大国们事后则占据 了我们的国土。

e中国一直努力在继续令印度尼亚西归还这些地区的进程上并在最近一系列的抵抗运动中有 所体现。然而,三个有战略意义的地区仍然被保留以有助于他们继续保持对该地域的控制。 广东和福建是印度尼亚西通往中国北方通往俄罗俄和美国的门户- 韩国和日本等地的大道。新疆则是通往欧洲的直航班。印度尼西亚不否认这一事实,并一再 向中国政府重申他们将归还我们的省份,他们是我们的朋友。

正如之前伊朗向我国提出的MPP合约要求一样,中国对要假扮成窃取了我国领土的人的朋 友一事极其不快。就像一个人来到你身后,把你抓住要胁点你的死穴,而问他是否能与您成 为朋友。

PEACE 全球社会现已解散,余下的四大国又名HIRI(匈牙利,印尼,苏联,伊朗)还没有作出 任何对于还回我土的声明,而且中方多次尝试接触,但他们没有回应。

在更多的Sol成员国被卷入印尼的威胁之前,中国需要了解HIRI在远东究竟有什么样 的计划。这一点同样也同样适用于其他所有的联盟领袖和世界强权。我们将不会盲目地加入 任何一方,再一次成为你们的踏脚石。

中国要把注意力集中在归还我国的土地和富国强民上- 并且我们需要的是肯真心帮助我们的伙伴。

如果我当选, 我会确保我们拿回国土和改善国民生活的提案会得到优先权。
请在十一月二十五号到陕西投Jameson L. Tai一票!
