[WGC] Canadian Conduit Man of the Month - March/2009

Day 497, 23:17 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn
*The Following is a presentation of the Writers' Guild of Canada*

In conjunction with the Writers' Guild of Canada, the Canadian Conduit is happy to present the second monthly Man of the Month! This month we have one of Canada's unsung heroes. For his behind the scenes work maintaining Canada's security, JT Vanguard is March, 2009's Canadian Conduit Man of the Month.

Past CC People of the Month:
February: Josh Taggart

I had the chance to sit down with JT to discuss his contributions to Canada for the month of March.

Dade Pendwyn: I've noticed that just recently General Coda promoted you to Brigadier General. Congratulations! Was this expected? What are your plans for the position?

JT Vanguar😛 Expected? To be honest I had not given it much thought until Coda had asked me if I would take the position. My plans for this position and every position I have held has been the same since the day after the French Wars at the end of last year. Get the CAF up and running to compete at an international stage as a medium power. As the Brig. General I will oversee the various platoons and ensure they are running at full capacity and provide my complete assistance to our Great General Coda - continue as Budget manager of the CAF, maintain order and continue to push CAF to its limits. If i can accomplish that day in and day out- then I've done my job well.

Dade Pendwyn: Lastly, you were generally regarded as one of the most important factors behind the popular Canadian movement to evade the Hungarian TO threat. How did you attempt to prevent the hostile take-over?

JT Vanguar😛 First- I would not say I was one of the most important factors- I am but one person only - truth be told the most important factor was the Canadian population if they would actually pay attention to the Media. We really did not know how Canadians would react - we knew some would call foul-play on part of government playing politics and some would call it a farce and others may not even care. Along with the Canadian populous there were many other vital Canadians in the background who played a very important role such as Joey, Vulcain, Bruck, Coda, AR, everyone in the CAF and to those who stayed up late till the close of the elections to save their votes to the end- all these people and many more deserve a great deal of thanks. As for the T.O and organization- I would say considering it was not a full blown Take-Over by Peace we were lucky this time around it was a small group of people.

Dade Pendwyn: You had a hand in creating the new supply system for the CAF. What was the motivation behind this new system?

JT Vanguar😛 The CAF post-V1 were a group of 30-40 soldiers and had now ballooned to 80+ soldiers in a very short time span. The budget was increasing at a rapid pace with increased prices of tickets and weapons, along with mesu for so many soldiers. As in such a dilemma I had no viable options for reducing the budget size- plus on top of all this the CAF needed to start training serious soldiers. To be honest, the credit should not go to me but to a great Canadian who has been playing this game much longer than I have and has taught me much of what I know of this game - his name is John Wilkmot. He was instrumental in breaking this puzzle, which of course to him was nothing more than a piece of cake. He suggested an idea of variable supply based on strength and rank. So I got to work and somehow made it work, along with the help of General Coda and many hours with Minister of Defence 1ronman we made it work. We created a supply system to not only move up those in lower ranks but also to focus on those with high strength and a high rank to create more colonels. Simple as lemon pie.

I'd like to thank JT Vanguard for talking with me, and for being the most influential Canadian of March, 2009.