[Western Bank] Weekly Financial Report

Day 1,984, 11:35 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

This week has been very slow! The monetary market has been in decline and so we've been having to rely on the offers I've posted, which comes about once every 10 days for low profits.

We're unfortunately going to miss our end of month target of £15. See below for more on that.


Share price: £13.03 (+12.75😵
Dividend Rate: 5%
Dividend per Share: £0.26

The overall value of the bank's cash and product assets (what I base share value on) is currently at £26,060.

This means that in the two-three weeks we've been operating, value has increased by over 30%.

Share Buy-Back Scheme

As we're going to have to push the £15 target back, I'm going to offer a share buy-back scheme at the £15 for the next couple of weeks. I'll buy each share for £15 if you're looking to sell.

Future Share Sales

For now, the additional 1,000 shares are going to be held. This will be reviewed in two weeks time.

Dividend Payouts

Dante643 - £26.00
Thedark ace - £26.00
An Idiot Abroad - £26.00
LongShotzZ - £2.60
Joshington - £13.00
Jny123 - £26.00
Fritz179 - £52.00
Ayame Crocodile - £75.40
Bob Bloggs - £13.00

Payments will be sent out this evening.