[Werewolf] Night One

Day 2,237, 14:27 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers gather once again around their big golden statue of scottty the nuke. After launching his campaign with large banners reading "Lynching. Death. No Werewolves" it was no surprise that srg91 was elected mayor, although he did face some stiff competition from the "Cats before Werewolves" campaign run by Binda33.

Immediately after his swearing in, srg91 signed into legislation the "Anti-Mythical Creature Act", outlawing all werewolves. The villagers all turn to look at Mickskitz simultaneously, which is quite disturbing given he had done nothing out of the ordinary. They tie him up and carry him outside the villager to the fiery pits of doom that lie waiting for him. After carefully selecting a suitable pit, As they throw Mick down they listen for any wolfish screams or wait for the smell of sizzling fur. When they hear absolutely nothing their worst fears are confirmed, only a politician can survive in hell.

As the villagers all slink back to their houses/dens/tarps, they notice the extremely hairy body of Callum Ormand lying in his acclaimed garden. It turns out he had mishandled the extremely deadly local flower, Patis McCrutchian, how such an experienced gardener such as Callum made that mistake, nobody knows. And so in the end, the hero of the day was the Patis McCrutchian, which had vanquished one of the town's werewolves.

Mickskitz the seer was lynched
Callum Ormand the wolf died of inactivity

Seriously guys, why do I even give you a seer if you just kill it off?

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