[Werewolf] End of Day Five

Day 2,515, 18:33 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

Mongoosier and Klop123 lobby hard for the lynching of Guagature, who, sensing they are the wolves, runs to mayor Sir Algaroth for help. Sir Algaroth promptly tears him to shreds as night falls and morphs into his werewolf form.

Mongoosier and klop123, satisfied with the death of Guagature shake hands on a well fought lynching campaign before klop123 bites both of Mongoosiers arms off, Mongoosier turns and runs. Presumably he would be waving his arms above his head, but no one can really tell now.

Sir Algaroth and klop123 bound off in pursuit, chasing Mongoosier towards the fiery pits of doom, just as he approaches the fiery pits of doom Mongoosier dies of blood loss.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Wolf win, no one suspects the foreigners 😉

Night Phase, roles
Player List:
Molly Jo (Doctor)
Sir Algaroth (WOLF)
Pablo Zaiko
Klop123 (WOLF)
J Seemore
Dr Hugh Jardon (wolf)
DodgyHagrid (wolf)
Claire Louise
An Australian Man (vigilante)
Rusty D
Mickskitz (seer)