***We have work to do!יש לנו עבודה לעשות***

Day 837, 11:50 Published in Israel Israel by Sadeh Badeh
I won I won, you all know that I guess.

I saw two very very ugly anti Sadeh/Sababa campaign which made me very angry but I know trying to even raise this issue won't matter much because you think like that, the other think like that and meantime the result is always the same(thank god).

I was so pissed off in the latest days I almost said "f**k this, its totally useless to try and even talk with them, why do I bother when I know the result will be the same in the end of the day" and I found myself 1 step before never participating in the "dual language" forums.
But hey, if anything convinced me not to, is that I am too damn nice and that lots of people dont deserve it(sam,maelyn,benny and so on... no need to make list here).
So yeah, I won't do it even tho I believe it wont matter (and still want to believe it WILL matter).

I could stfu and be quite about it pretend I did not think about it, but hey, if I try to believe I can still make change I want you to know that too, hopefuly you will try too.

So to the point!

As long as we have peace our country is in rather good shape imo, we do have some issues mostly with economy(world wide problem) and we do need to do something about our last region.
The fact I did not put it in my goals mean im just not cocky enough to promise you such thing.
We are going to make some changes in cabinet, we are going to improve the country finally, we are going to fix many broken things and move forward, so I can rule you people for ever, MUHAHAHAHA.(Look, something for your next anti-sadeh article, take a screenshot I might edit it later in moment of sanity)

The interns thingy gonna be REALLY STRONG in the government, as the ministers will have to use them. (yes you dear ministers arent SO active, you can give some of the work to others too 😃 )

We also need to start think about the V2, it will come someday and we need to prepare ourselves from now!

The population is growing daily, the FXP forums are going more active from moment to moment, grats to us I think, we are going to win this goal of 20%, trust me.

Sooooooooooooo, lets start &quot😉A LIST" woohoo!

President: The most awesome guy you will ever meet, called badass by sam "crack",almost married to the most cute thing in the game baglamas, and one hell of cookies and soup supporter- SADEH BADEH! \o/

Vice president: I dont know yet as the last one I had just left the country, what a bummer.
If you wanna be my vice the only thing u need to do is to say "YESIR!" 100 times a day, or to be very active, with brain and knowledge about game that can challange me and make me doubt my moves with convincing arguments.

Mo😨 If you think it wont be maelyn you are dead wrong, she is the most awesome commander you can ever have, PLUS -> she is SHE, which make her controlling people more awesome 😃

vMo😨 Great dude, the manager of the erepublik forums in FXP, active, helping to the community and more- NeverGotIt.

MoFA: Baglamas <3 (come on I got tired from writing lolz, I need to translate that to hebrew at the end, so just know I love her)

vMoFA: same thing.

MoF: Franz kafka.

vMoF: Sam krakower.

Minister of new players and immigrants: still being discussed.

vMinister of new players and immigrants: still being discussed.


We are going to have hell loads of interns people!

Foreign affairs:Johnny Spoon,Barak2211,
New Players and Immigrants:

It is only the start, more jobs interns and final government list will be edited later, so check this newspaper out every few hours vote and sub pl0x!

Have good day Israel!

Soon to be translated into hebrew! o/