'We Don't Need Any More Parties' : Background on eIsraeli Politics

Day 468, 14:52 Published in Israel Israel by Bachir Gemayel

*Disclosure: I am a member of the 'Provisional Government', but I like to consider myself an independent---Also, I put these all in no particular order*

In the few days eIsrael has enjoyed it's new found independence from the eTurkish occupier, an explosion in political activity has occurred. New mutual military pacts are being signed and the economy is just starting up. This brings into question who the leaders of the country are and what parties they belong to. Being an independent democracy, we have many different political opinions. For those who had the gold and/or support of fellow eIsraelis, they established political parties to advance their view of what our new-eIsrael would look like.

On a personal note, while the country is going through some upheaval (especially in terms of economic stances), there has been outcry by some eIsraelis against the formation of new political parties, fearing it would upset stability we have already established. In this author's opinion, their worries are unfounded. The growth of political parties is a natural reaction for many, having either lived in exile or under the thumb of eTurkish oppression, which wouldn't even allow us one political party. While many parties may seem similar, all have their own views and should be respected. At the moment the government couldn't be more stable, especially with a clear majority (60😵 from the ruling Israeli Workers Party. In the future this may be erroded, but in turn it will teach eIsraelis to work for common goals and to build coalitions.

eIsraeli Parties:

Israeli Revolutionists Party (IRP)
Pres: Code-Y
8 Members

Description: The IRP was founded by Code-Y as a "far-left" leaning group that has a number of clearly stated goals. Of all the eIsraeli political parties, the IRP currently has the most structured policy goals. Nevertheless some of the goals actually make the group seem much more right wing, especially in terms of defense. General goals include, defense reform and the creation of a strong "Israeli Armed Forces" (IAF), a policy of creating state owned companies to, "give everyone a job" and establishing sweeping educational reform. The IRP prides itself on not being capitalistic, and as a result emphasizes that a large government is needed, complete with numerous cabinet positions. (Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/israeli-revolutionists-party-platform-740100/1/20 )

Zionist Front (ZF)
Pres: Jurgo Evergetes
6 Members

Description: The ZF is a centrist party whose main support comes from eSpanish members sympathetic to eIsrael. To integrate themselves into the eIsraeli political world they founded a broad based Party (essentially a Front, as the name says) that has no real ideological convictions other than supporting a demographically (i.e. Pro-eIsrael/Jewish) strong state. Economic goals have been vague. Jurgo Evergetes has stated that the ZF "execute important economic decisions that will mark the country's future." This could technically range anything from socialist to capitalist reforms, little has been stated in that respect. (Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-zionist-front-official-presentation-spanish-and-english--741106/1/20 )

Provisional Government (PG)
Pres: CyberStormAlpha
17 Members

Description: One of the first political parties on the scene in eIsrael following independence, the PG was established by CyberStormAlpha to provide some form of governmental order in newly reborn eIsrael. The party describes itself as center-authoritarian, although this can be ascribed to being more of a joke (the authoritarian portion), considering it participates democratically, and its founder and leader was the resistance commander in the liberation war. The centrist position the PG allows for pragmatic shifts when needed.

Israeli Workers Party (IWP)
Pres: yotamnor
30 Members

Description: The IWP is the largest eIsraeli party and dominates close to 60% of the parliament. The party has a number of high ranking founding members, including, its current president yotamnor, Jordan, Denisius, Sadeh Badeh and Swifty. As with other parties its goals have been vague, and limited to the liberation of all 5 regions of eIsrael, in addition to building very strong armed force for the defense (and if need be---to be used offensively). The IWP stated in their manifesto that, "we support the liberation of the rest of the regions that once belonged
to us...[This would restore] our national pride!" (Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/israeli-workers-party-menifesto-739872/1/20 )

Israel's Advancement Party (IAP)
Pres: naruto kun10
1 Member

Description: This party is literally, brand new. It came under some criticism for being formed due to the conditions in eIsraeli politics at the moment. The party proposes to "Advance eIsrael" , so far it has remained at the sidelines of eIsraeli politics. It's description lists it as a far-left/Libertarian party, so it can be assumed it supports larger government size/controls on the people, while conversely supporting independent/individualistic social practices. (Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-israel-s-advancement-party-is-born--745442/1/20)

*Update: President of the IAP, naruto kun10 stated in the comments that the, "IAP has been suspended for now untill i get more gold [sic]"

Am Yisrael Chai!

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