"We are The Politically Impure, We are the A.L.A.R.M."

Day 1,114, 14:07 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
++We are The Politically Impure, We are the A.L.A.R.M.++

Fellow Lovers of Freedom

We face troubling times. After a sudden entrance into the US PoTUS race, former President Josh Frost managed to sweep into the White House and immediately stage an immediate Coup d'état and has declared the United States to be under control of his regime. He has founded a new party that wishes to control eRepublik, squashing democracy and attempting to dictate their will upon us everyday Americans.


But relax Dude!, relaxxxx....

We will not bow before this dictatorship, we will unite and stand up for-selves, and we will retake America. America's Libertarians have been exiled from Government, our PoTUS candidate, CRoy, is in hiding and the esteemed Claire Littleton, a prominent Lib, has been "executed", whereabouts unknown. Frost's Regime has dubbed voices of dissent as political impure and seeks to impose political retribution upon these brave soldiers.

Myself and others have spoken out against the current disconnect of Government policies over last month or so (see my last few articles). I have been shouted down as Populist, yet they fear you becoming aware. Now under the guise of giving "goodwill to the American people" Frost's regime has promised to serve only people of America, they will seek to appease you, to convince you that they are the true "way". They are capitalizing on the grass roots movement we Libertarians are trying to mount and will contort the truth to try and assimilate you. STAND UP, deny their propaganda, become a free thinker.

Brothers, Sisters, Those who seek true democracy in our nation. I would like to announce the formation of an insurgent Militia, a group whose sole purpose is to unite against the tyranny of the sacking of our Government and restore America's vast power back into the hands of the people!

WE ARE THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION, We are America's Libertarian Armed Resistance and Militia, We are the A.L.A.R.M.

We shall band together and speak out in a voice of resolve, ALARM will become a powerhouse to roust the minions who have seized our great country and seek to dominate. Join us, restore TRUE power to the citizens of America. Further details will be announced soon, stay tuned.

Be Careful Enemies of Democracy, the "impure" have already begun to make their mark.

-Signing out,
Rebel General Joe DaSmoe,
Leader of the ALARM.

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