[War]Difference Between Smart and Brave

Day 820, 16:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
As was announced earlier, we have been in negotiations for a peace between all of our occupyers, being Spain, Poland, Norway, Canada, Sweden, and the United States. Just to be clear, here's exactly where we're all coming from in these negotiations.

Call it a war of attrition. Call it whatever you'd like, it happens to both sides. There were many great battles involved in this war, including the Med in Turkey, Liaoning, Xinjiang (not quite as spectacular), London (also somewhat melodramatic), North of Brazil (x3). Each one held a specific purpose. Each one had its moments.

However, there comes a point in time which you realise neither side can truly win. We've seen that in Greece and Turkey, with their year long war. We've seen long disputes between Turkey and Israel, Spain and France, France and ATLANTIS, and so on, which resulted in their destruction and reappearance at a later time and date.

To those who dislike this, here are some simple facts:

We have six countries invading us. Five have opened MPPs. Spain has not, and Poland does not have a border with us, like Sweden now that Norway controls all their Danish regions. I have initiative on Norway (at the moment), and the US. Spain could attack at any time. They could also region swap around me. Sweden could swap through Denmark.

There are 50 different combinations that they could do, to cost us the regions we're now gaining back. They could literally block us in, and initiative lock us until they were prepared to sandwich us. This isn't going to help our allies, and it isn't going to save anyone else. We'll focus more on France and Germany in the coming days, now that we've got battlefields which were costing us millions in wasted damage.

I'm sure some of you think this is a poor move. Until you get elected, and run a Ministry, I can't really tell you some of the exact details, however, this is the proper move for both Phoenix and the UK at this time. The UK cannot be of help to its allies while completely pinned. If it were us against the US, or even perhaps Poland/Spain, there would have been a chance.

However, mechanically, there just isn't that possibility. You'll see the UK in France again, and you'll see us in Germany, but right now the harder decision is the proper one.

Prime Minister