^.^ Want to Earn Some Gold? A Little Contest ^.^

Day 958, 16:52 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

Greetings Fellow eRepublikans!

I was hanging out on Fightin' Round the World the other night with Inwegen and Geno, and I came up with this idea to have a contest where you all design me a new avatar! As many of you know, I have many different personalities and faces. So, I present to you the create a Mellie challenge:

1) You take one or more of the ten eligible photos, make a rad avatar, send me the link in a PM on eRep, and you're entered in the contest. You can enter as many as you like, but I would stress quality over quantity.

2) I will be awarding first, second, and third place prizes. First place gets 10 gold; second place gets 5 gold; and third place gets 2 gold. In my opinion, it's not a bad wage for a sweet avatar.

3) The contest runs from the publication of this article until the close of day 965. I figure it gives you all something to do while the servers are down, and a little extra time on top of that.

4) Some things about me that might help you design a good avatar: I’m a proud member of both the SAS and UKRP who sports a crown, can kick most men in the face, and loves Zelda. I am made of whimsy and quirk, but I also love embracing my feminine, sexy side. I love black & white, and my favorite color is hot pink. However, I am also very eclectic and appreciate a wide variety of aesthetics, so do as you are inspired!
