Votez PFK pour un meilleur Kanata!

Day 2,164, 20:51 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie
French Congress Platform:

Bonjour je m’appelle Wilfie. J’aime jouer eRepublik mais je ne suis pas tellement doué, alors j’avais oublier mon passmot du forum et arrêter le jeu quelque fois dans deux mois.

Je veux jouer au Congress cet mois! Jouer au Congress est amusant et profitable, mais je suis pauvre parceque je donne tout mon argent a les gens qui j’aime. Peut-etre je vous aime aussi. Votez pour le Parti Francophone de Kanata. Votez pour le PFK!

English Platform Translation:

Before continuing, my Congress Report And Performance card from my last term is now online:

D+ for Damn Dat Dawg!

The public responded with surprising gusto to my final wil and proposal:

With that in mind, apparently I have resumed producing my own grain and bread for barehanded food fights, and am back serving half-baked articles and even foolishly running for Congress:

“To the simple dog, throwing up was like some magical power that she never knew she possessed - the ability to create infinite food.

If somehow elected, I vow to improve my French and put out bilingual surveys to determine public opinion on several key issues, and then vote/act accordingly, as done in my first term.

The key issues that I have identified so far (with supporting images from Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts):

1) Forum-Congress procedure: Either supporting the new changes to forum procedure (No Fly Zones) or looking into Addy’s idea of opening up/removing Closed Door Congress.

Predicted results:

“This particular dog is not anywhere near the gifted spectrum when it comes to solving problems. In fact, she has only one discernible method of problem solving and it isn't even really a method.”

2) Foreign Relations: Assessing our agreements with eNetherlands, eSuisse, and eSpagne to gauge public opinion on our support of these treaties.

Anticipated outcome:

“I tried to communicate with the simple dog, but communicating with the simple dog usually goes like this.”

3) Incoming and Expendituring: Looking into current discussions about low taxes and how to balance MPP costs with recent rental agreements, with aims of investing the surplus into MU supply.

Likely en😛

“There was a visible shift in her demeanor as she realized that she didn't understand math and it was everywhere and she should probably be scared of it. She started making the noise again.”

4. Open polling: Gathering input on any gaming topic to form a new set of questions to appear on the next Congress survey (as done per my first term).

Four gone conclusion:

She pounced on the game with way more force than necessary, over and over and over. The logic behind her sudden change in outlook was unclear.”

Should I mistakenly be elected to Congress as a ‘bottom-lister,’ I will do my best to conduct my surveys, learn more French, and play better with others (might even include remembering a second passmot for this game). To conclude, here’s a little something in French for all you voters:

Merci et bonne chance!