[VOTE MIS OF EREP! ] Forget nationality, PEACE, EDEN, no matter!

Day 715, 20:58 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ludak021

Well folks, I publish this in eSerbia. I am too lazy to move the paper to every country, so please spread the word so we can all have some FUN! (remember that? no hate, just fun!)

Please try to vote this abominations to international so I will get banned and admins will see how much we like their macots. 🙂 (or croats will just enjoy geting me banned 🙂 )


Rhey are lined up, ready to be voted, just post your number alon with comment, you can't miss because this is not a guessing game! Vote your favorite!

so here we have a mistic Miny
http://i33.tinypic.com/2gufqtt.jpg" />

after her we have a "Velvet Ruby" (nice one this is, shaggable for shure)
http://i33.tinypic.com/2mo5xnb.jpg" />

and finnaly we have that one that we would like to shag but she shags all of us, notice the alliance going from her behind, she is about to be betrayed!

http://i35.tinypic.com/2jcipgw.jpg" />

So folks CAST YOUR VOTES and spread this! Maybe we get better servers on Balcans. I sacrifice my self for that cause, for Serbs , Croats and everyone else that has balls to stay. Serbs and Croats ARE going to dominate this game.

Best regards to all,

PS. CHOSE YOUR HEADLESS CHICKEN CAREFULLY! reporting me does not mean that Velvet Lily will not go after You!

PS. Like I stated in comments, I will reward best "headless works" with gold. These chickens are just priceless, send them to me if you are creative, I will publish them and reward you with some gold so you can shoot em!