{ 小雞的食譜亂亂報 Vol. 21} 趁亂湊熱鬧的蒜辣香腸蝴蝶麵

Day 2,168, 20:35 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Yanagihung

大家好! 我是小雞,很久沒有寫食譜報了,久到每次發報紙就是在說"啊~~~好久沒寫報紙了",其實最近有煮的東西都有拍照,可是懶靠病沒藥醫,所以就給他放水流了。最近聽說隨便寫都可以上前五名,我就跑來湊熱鬧了。XD

Greetings everyone! This is Yanagihung. It's been a while since I last wrote any recipe newspapers, and it's been so long, it seems like every time I try to write an article it starts with "it's been a while since I wrote anything." lol I have been taking pictures of random food I cook, I'm just too lazy to organize them and turn them into newspaper. 😛 However, since it seems like we need some new articles, here I am!

**Here's a quick update - I somehow reached lv.40/GOW*/and has str over 40k. Holy cow. Time flies.**

好了,廢話不多說,來到正題,今天我們吃蒜辣香腸蝴蝶麵! 其實這個的靈感是從之前煮過的傑米奧利佛的脆皮烤雞來的,不過那是另外一篇食譜報的事情了,所以今天先暫時不說。這是一道非常簡單的料理,大家有空都可以試試看喔!

Okay, so back to our main topic. Our course today is farfalle with garlic, chili, sausage, and cherry tomatoes. It is kinda like a different version of pasta Aglio, Olio, e Peperoncino that I added extra stuff to, but I actually got the idea from Jaime Oliver's tender crispy roasted chicken. I made that dish a while back, and really liked the flavor from it, but that is maybe for an article at a different time. 😛

材料: (兩人份)

蝴蝶麵 90 公克
香腸/熱狗 3 根 切片(當然,盡量不要用台式香腸,不過你要用的話說不定會有奇妙的美味也不一定。XD)
大蒜 8 瓣
辣椒 3 根 切碎(我用的是泰國辣椒,家裡有種的,不過你要用碎的乾辣椒或是其他辣椒也可以。)
羅勒 1 把 切絲/切碎
鹽跟胡椒 適量
橄欖油 2 大匙
小蕃茄 10 顆 切成1/4 (約手抓兩把,或是中型蕃茄兩顆)

Ingredients: (Serves 2)

Farfalle 3 oz
Sausage/hot dog 3 sliced
Garlic 8 cloves, chopped
Chili pepper 3 chopped(you can also use dried chili flakes to taste, but I used Thai Chili that I grow in my yard. 😛)
Basil 1 bunch chopped/chiffonade
Salt and Pepper to taste
Olive oil 2 TBSP
Cherry tomatoes 10 quartered(Or you can use 2 small-medium sized tomatoes)


1. 把麵按照盒子上的指示煮好,可以減少1-2分鐘煮得略硬。瀝乾備用。留一點煮麵水備用。
1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the box. Deduct 1-2 minutes from the recommended time to make it slightly firmer than al dente. Drain and set aside. Save some of the pasta water.

2. 冷油冷鍋,加入切碎的大蒜,小火慢慢把大蒜煎成金黃色。如果是用乾的碎辣椒的話不用切碎,用整根辣椒的話要先切碎。想吃越辣的可以越早加辣椒,怕辣的話可以把辣椒去籽去掉裡面白色的部份,切碎,晚點加。
2. Add the olive oil into a cold pan, add the chopped garlic and cook on low heat until the garlic turns golden. Depending on how spicy you want the pasta to be, you can add the chili peppers at different times. The spicier you want the pasta to be, the earlier you add the chili. If you're using dried chili flakes you can add them directly, otherwise chop the chilis before adding them into the oil. If you don't want the pasta to be too spicy, take the white stuff and the seeds out of the chili and discard it before chopping up the chili peppers.

3. 轉成中火,加入香腸片跟蕃茄,煎到香腸片稍微彎曲,蕃茄皮有點皺為止。
3. Turn up the heat to medium heat, add in the sausage and tomatoes. Cook until the sausage is golden and the tomato skin is slightly wrinkly.

4. 加入煮好的蝴蝶麵,拌炒均勻,約兩~三分鐘,如果覺得有點乾的話加點煮麵水調節。
4. Add in the cooked farfalle, and stir until well mixed for roughly 2-3 minutes until well mixed. If it looks too dry, add some of the water from cooking the pasta to moisten up.

5. 熄火, 拌入切好的羅勒,就可以上菜囉! 😃
5. Turn off the heat, toss in the basil that's already chopped, and serve! 😃

希望大家都喜歡這次的食譜報,如果是新朋友的話請幫我V+S,我們下次再見! :3

I hope everyone liked the article this time, if you're a new friend, please feel free and Vote+Subscribe for me if you enjoyed the article. Until next time! :3