逸報Vol.2, No.5:转发北朝鲜日报Interview with Bowen Yu

Day 1,579, 03:34 Published in North Korea China by Bowen Yu

逸報│中占北朝鲜江原道版│每周不定期出版│55 cents

转发北朝鲜日报Interview with Bowen Yu

Hello citizens of North Korea,
My campaign for the interviews is going pretty well and today my guest will be Bowen Yu. He will gladly answer my questions.

1. Who are you in RL ?

I am a Chinese indoorsy boy and migrant worker working in the Netherlands.

2.And who are you in the game? Tell us about your eLife.

I am a double clicker, sometimes write papers, 3 terms congressman of eChina and 1 term ECID (eC department of immigration) officer. I have just quited the party I was in for 2 years because I don't like qq. Then I immigrated to eNK for freedom and opportunities.

3. Why Bowen Yu? Where does it come from?

My RL name.

4. What did attract you and what keeps you in the game?

Highly intelligent players from all over the world

5.Do you have a favorite module in the game? Which and why is it better than the others?

Media, political and international currency market. Now we don't have the last one anymore. 🙁

6. Do you have a favorite moment in the eHistory of China or North Korea?

When eChina was almost wiped out from the map.

7. Do you see any mistakes or failures you have done and do you regret for doing something?

I didn't make a lot of money during the economic turmoils

8.What are we missing in order to be better?

Everything, I hate this dumb down version of eRepublik. The headless chicken is helpless.

9. Please, wish or say something to our readers .

Outlive the headless chicken. May the force be with you!!!

Yours sincerely,
Kim Young

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