[VanCho] Greetings UK, from a Macedonian...

Day 1,303, 08:27 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Ivan Vancho Makedonski

Hello my dear UK friends 😉

At the beginning I'd like to apologize for any possible mistakes, but you have to understand that English is not my native 😃

Today I was granted eUK citizenship and I'm grateful for that. As member of the elite paramilitary unit ArMakedon, I got the assignment to come here and assist in your ATO operation in today's party presidential elections.


I, just like many other "older" players from Macedonia have great memories about eUK. As you all probably know we used to be nomad-community because the admins were too lazy to include a country that had in that time relatively big community, about 300-350 players. Nevertheless after more than one year of struggle we have achieved our goal, and in September last year we got our country in this New World.

In one period during our nomad e-life many Macedonians moved to the UK and applied in the UK Army. I for example applied for the Royal Navy but never had the chance to serve there because after just few days in UK I've decided to take part in the ATO operation in eBelgium organized by PHX HQ in coordination with the only legitimate RL Belgian party, eUK, eHungary and the Macedonian community. I was congressman there for one month and together with the RL Belgians and all pro-PHX congressmen helped re-building the country destroyed by PTO actions from EDEN countries. Just for an example in that time the famous Romper aka lompel xD was my colleague congressman, classic PTO'er together with few Romanians and Americans.

Enough with e-history 😃, the reason why I'm here is simple. To give support to the people of eUK and to show you that in Macedonia you can always see a friend. First a friend and than a loyal ally that will never let you down.

* Macedonians will never forget your help and support in the time we were struggling to get our eCountry...
* I have to mention out your ex-cp Dish and his articles to support our cause and the ones for trolololing Greeks, also respect for Mr Woldy and his mustache, i mean his support for adding eMacedonia 😃
* Also I feel responsible to point out the support we got when entering PHX from your current CP, jamesw, in that time representative in PHX HQ. He stand strongly behind eMacedonia not respecting the Bulgarian veto.
* And last but not least, UK's unselfish help for eMacedonia in our war with our beloved neighbors eGrece xD (for the ones that do not know, Greece is for us similar to what Ireland is for you guys)

Just like you guys helped us delete eGreece from the map, we will help you delete eIreland \o/

I know that you will crush them one on one but when EDEN helps we are offering the Macedonian regular army and the paramilitaries, and we will keep ScymeX, Aexil Kong and Alfagrem in reserve just in case lompel and co. decide to save eIreland from the inevitable 😛


I want to somehow contribute for your community, that's why I've decided to share some food and weapons with you...

The first 50 UK citizens that will leave a comment and shout this article will receive 5xq5 food and 1xq5 tank from me 🙂

use this for your shout:
[VanCho] Greetings UK, from a Macedonian...

Long live United Kingdom
Long live Macedonia

Yours friendly,
Ivan Vancho Makedonski