Day 859, 05:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Apotygma

Hello e-World,

Has been a while since I published something related to my first love : economics. So here I am back, hoping to give you as much good and accurate information as possible in order for you to earn money and be successful in this eLife.

For those that didn’t read it yet, you can check out the tutorial I wrote a while ago about how to run a company. This tutorial is considered by many around the eWorld as a reference and it is essential if you want to start a company in good conditions without losing money. In V2 a lot will change, but if you subscribe to this newspaper you will be the first once to know how to adapt your company, be aware of change and SURVIVE !

But first, let’s come back to topic.

Today I want to talk to you about a phenomenon that is hurting, yes hurting, the whole eWorld. For those of you that may be wonder, “No it is not Lana”. Lana is just a sweet girl that is stealing money from the dum… Ho sorry essential military.

As in Smallville (love this show) she is causing a lot of trouble as she is stealing gold out of our economy into the big black hole of eRepublik. Nonetheless, I think she is not a problem you can resolve today before V2 comes out. Other problems ARE. The problem I am talking about are the people that are keeping their money for V2 comes out. This for several reasons, like :

“I want to open a company and make money”

“Houses are useless for the moment and I am not going to spend my gold in it”

“To much will change to waste money today”

Those arguments where valid at the beginning when we knew only a few things about v2. But today we had already something like 10 insiders describing how V2 would actually change our lives. How V2 would change the world. How V2 would change the economy and the army. The point I want to make is that we already know a LOT about V2.

A lot of things are know and it is not a mystery anymore. For those who didn’t read them carefully, here is my opinion about the changes in the economic module :

I am more and more convinced that only a little will change in V2, the biggest change will be in HOW we manage companies and in HOW we specialize ourselves (our skill), but the actual economy will only change a little. Customization points are in my eyes only a joke as everybody will adapt more or less the same pattern.

So my word today is : INVEST

Some facts :

A lot of you are now thinking “What is he talking about? This is nonsense, he know nothing about this.” I am will tell you that you are wrong. Let’s look at some facts and you will understand that there is no need to wait until V2 comes out as you will not be able to make a sudden very big profit, you will not be able to dominate a market, etc… In fact I am even quite certain that if you wait until V2 comes out, you will actually close down even faster.

What will not change

So here are the facts, they can be found around the insiders released by the admins the last couple of weeks, the most interesting for us is definitely this one : http://tiny.cc/admineRep . So, from this article we can draw a pretty simple conclusion, some products will not change in V2 and they will remain pretty much the same. I am talking about :
- Food
- Houses
- Grain
- Oil

Others will change a little and only one may be very interesting to wait for until V2. I named :
- Hospitals
- Defense systems
- Moving tickets

Due to the fact that the distance you will be able to travel is linked to the Quality of the moving ticket, we can expect Q2 or Q3 to become interesting to prevent the fact that you will need to buy 2 or 3 MT’s to get somewhere else. The other 2 markets are only for governments so irrelevant for us.

The last thing I didn’t mention was Iron, because Iron is currently the market that is looking really bad. From what we can conclude out of insiders, Iron will in V2 only be used in 2 kind of weapons which implies that their demand will lower more or less by half. And, in fact I am wrong, the demand will be even lower ! Currently we can see that helicopters are the most attractive weapon/skill for a lot of people. Everybody wants to spec in heli as they are sooooo good looking. We can suspect that more than 25% of people will chose to drive helicopters (I am even willing to bet on something like 33😵 and helicopters are made with titanium same as tanks. We can bet that less than 50% of all weapons around the world will be made out of iron.

Iron is definitely (in my eyes) a market you have to leave as quickly as possible or not invest in.

What will really change

The admin articles are pretty much always promoting V2 as something completely new, fantastic, etc.. But, we need to realize that they are quite exaggerating things. As completely new products we have :
- Titanium
- Stone
- Rifles
- Artillery
- Tanks
- Helicopters

But if we take a closer look we can see that :
- Titanium = diamonds
- Stone = wood
- Weapons = All of the others

Basically nothing really changes. So no new products where you will be able to make very big profits because there is shortage. This is confirmed by the fact that currently it has been announced that you will be able to switch your company specialization easily :

You will not lose your investment, it will be converted

Killing your idea’s

Here I am going to speculate, but I truly think I am right.

With this last idea formulated, you may expect that you will be able to convert the company you currently own in another one, the one that you chose. You may expect that if you own a defense system company, that you will be able to transform it in something else in order to regain your money (or open a cheap company). This is wrong 😛

If I can make an educated guess, the admins will not change the rules of the game so radically as it would mess the whole market up at once. In my opinion, companies will only be able to switch between a certain amount of choices :
- Weapon companies will only be able to transform in one of the new kind of weaponry. Nothing else
- Gift companies will be able to transform in MT or food.
- Others will have to remain as they are
- Raw Materials will be change in as follow : wood in stone and diamonds in titanium. This for the obvious reason that they need to be in a country with the right high region

This will make that in every single market there will already be companies working when V2 comes out. The profit you where hopping for is then either nearly gone or you can already have your share today ! Because, that is the question now : why are you waiting?

Explanat ion

Let me explain why it is currently not a real good idea to wait and hope to invest a lot of gold. This will be quite theoretical, so if you don’t really care about theory you can skip a little further and in which industries you can best invest today to be sure to take maximum profit out of the future.

We have today a certain amount of companies in the eWorld. A lot of them are not running, but we can expect that quite a lot will open their doors again when V2 comes out creating a awful lot of new competitors. Currently, if we take the state provided to us by eReptools.net we have :

To prove my point I am going only to look at the Weapon companies as they are the once that will know the most changes. So currently we have 15.918 weapon companies around the world. Those will be able to change in one of the new weaponry companies. We can expect that this repartition will match the repartition of citizens skills. Most will go in helicopters, but not all of them.

If you see the amount of companies, even if only 20% are active, this still means that there are more than 4.000 companies that will be selling products on the market from day 1. As those companies are already active they will already have 10 employees and be very profitable. (I will publish an article I wrote some while ago soon about this effect).

So, let’s face it. If you want until V2 comes out to open your company, the time it is up and running you will be facing a huge competition. This competition will have lower labour costs (as they will already have employees paid less most of the time) and with higher stocks of money. Most of them will put you out of business in a few days or weeks.

How can you prevent this?

Very easy :

Indeed, invest now.
If you invest today, you will already have employees when V2 comes out.
If you invest today, you will (probably) make a profit today and stand stronger when V2 comes out.
If you invest today, you will help your country as our economy is dropping nowadays and we need money injected in the economy !
If you invest today, you will not let your money sleep but WORK !

Where to invest?

Currently only four markets are really under to influence of V2, markets where the prices (and wages) soared the last few days. In some of them there is a real profit to be made if you chose wisely. I’m not going to tell you exactly where, that is up to you 😁

But, currently here are the markets where you can invest and make a profit if you manage it well :
- Food ABOVE Q2. Q3-Q4-Q5 are now very profitable markets, in Q2 it is possible to make a profit but still quite hard.
- Gifts in Q1 or Q2 (higher is unnecessary)
- Houses in all quality, here you have to be very careful as there is a lot of competition and you will have to be active on forums as a lot is still selling on the black market. Finding customers may still be pretty though.
- Diamonds, very profitable nowadays if you find a good country to invest in.

What if you don’t want to invest?

The gold you are currently keeping is killing our economy, we need more gold inside our economy. We need more help in order to improve it and set it right. Most of it will be again available before V2 comes out, so I am proposing you a very good deal.

Please invest your money in banks or if your country is giving out state bonds (or whatever they call it) PLEASE invest ! This money will be reinvested in the economy the most of the time through loans to entrepreneurs willing to take the risk, and YOU will earn money with it.

Most of the time, your money is stuck for a month in a bank, but we can expect V2 to NOT come out for another month. So don’t wait !

You can find some examples in the part 2 of my tutorial located here.

So people : please invest and don't keep your money out of the economy.