(V+S) A growing issue to security

Day 1,234, 14:21 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Today North Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, hundreds are flocking to this great land seeking economic and political opportunity, which helps grow our economy. However this could also be a threat to our well being, because political interest groups are flocking into North Korea as well, seeking political takeover, which is not within our best interests. We are a democracy, but being open to everybody can severely threaten our progress and security, this we know from our historic turmoil. This threat isn't prominent, but it is there never the less, and can be solved by setting citizenship qualifications for immigrants to meet, which will be enforced by congress as an active national duty. It's simple and effective, but this will require further discussion to set up what these very qualifications will be.

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