[Utah] Congressional Manifesto of Alex Drex

Day 1,190, 23:33 Published in USA Germany by Alex Drex

Greetings Citizens of Utah,

Today, I announce my candidacy to serve in Congress as a representative of Utah. I am a member of the Socialist Freedom Party, however, I will be running for Congress under the Libertarian Party due to the fact that the Socialist Freedom Party is not in the top five.

Should I be elected, I promise to serve to the fullest of my capabilities, and to keep a log of all of my votes. At some points within my term, I will publish my voting records up to that time, and continue to keep records until the last day of my term, in order to keep my constituents updated and informed.

As a member of the Socialist Freedom Party, and an advocate of Freedom, I do not support imperialistic wars, whether by the United States itself, or by its allies. I do support the use of PANAM as a defensive alliance. While I do not support Imperialistic, land-grabbing wars, I do support mutual rental agreements (like we’ve seen the U.S. do plenty of times before), and mutual unions (like Czechoslovakia).

Finally, in regards to the recent Constitutional Amendment regarding the CJCS and the Executive Branch, I would like to show my support for the reform of the military-Exec relationship. However, I do not agree with some of the changes made. I support giving the President the ability to remove the CJCS from power, however, I do not see why it is necessary to limit the amount of times the CJCS can serve. Military success is essentially about strategy, and the CJCS is one of the most essential architects of the strategy of the United States Military. As such, I do not believe limiting the amount of time a person may serve as CJCS is necessary, especially if you give the President the right to remove him/her. Limiting the amount of time one can serve as CJCS is like saying (to use a couple of sports analogies) Kobe Bryant can only play for a third of every season, or that Peyton Manning can no longer play because he’s been around for long enough. These people are pivotal within the success of their respective teams, just like the CJCS is pivotal to the success of the American Military. I say, if we have someone serving as CJCS that is a good enough military strategist and leader to be chosen by the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff every three months, then why would we not let them continue to serve? It is my opinion that we should take advantage of the great thinkers and leaders that we have, not limit people and forcing them out of positions they’ve earned just because they’ve been there for a certain amount of time. If a CJCS is no longer the best choice to lead then he or she will not be voted to such a position by the JCS, and in extreme cases, the CJCS can be removed by the President (along with Congressional vote). As such, it is my opinion that there is no reason to limit the time that a person may serve as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you will vote for me come February 25th.

Awaiting the results of the upcoming vote.

Alex Drex
Socialist Freedom Party Member
Congressional Candidate from Utah