[USWP] The Party For All

Day 2,165, 09:35 Published in USA USA by Dauntless2000

It is that time again, the day we vote for the parties and how many people of each party will receive a seat in the grand chamber of congress. Each party will work to sell themselves to the nations with silly ideas that they deserve your votes because they are cool or awesome but yet what can I say about my party? The answer is simple, a lot.

As many members of my party state, we are the oldest political party of the eUnited States. That means we have a large amount of members of the USWP come with large amounts of experience when it comes to running parts of government. If you look at the list of people who work in the executive branch, you will find at least one person that is a worker. This mean we do our best to bring this experience to are younger member that wish to serve our nation in the halls of government. We are happy to take in many young players and help them grow into politicians that are capable of making a name for themselves. I have been in the game less than a year. I started as a worker on the mail list and now I have served in congress for two terms, served last month as the head of media, and now am the party’s Chief of Staff. We have many experienced players and we also work to give many young players the experience they need to become great leaders by both advice and also by giving them chances to put that advice to work.

The Workers are also a party that likes to work with other parties, fighting and swabbing will get nothing done in the world, and doing nothing hurts our nation and the citizens that love her. The USWP is a group of dedicated members that want to see this nation grow, and the only way we can do that is by working together with others to see what is best for the nation.

The USWP is a party that likes people that think for themselves. I know there are times we don’t agree with what is right, but that means we are not forced at all times to follow one idea. Workers should and be able to think for themselves and vote how they believe is right. It’s great to see the debate that goes one sometime in are congressional thread and it shows that we are not allowing one person to set the votes for everyone. We stand together, but we like workers that are able to think on their own. We don’t care about yes people, we like freethinkers.

All I want to say is this, we have gone through a trying time that has greatly burdened the nation and her people. Now is not the time to vote for a party that will only be throwing around cool sounding slogans. Now is the time to vote for a party that is ready to get to work building our nation back and restore people’s faith in her. The men and women of the workers are ready to go to work for you. We are ready to heal America’s wounds and heartaches after this last war and pick her back on her feet. We are ready to work with those who wish to make her shine once more. This is the time we see the people that work for the nation, or work only for their own prestige. I’m ready to start this work and many of my fellow workers are rolling up their sleeves to take on this challenge. This work begins with your vote for congress, the USWP is ready to put our experience to work to heal this nation’s pain and become stronger than when we entered this war. All we need is for you to do is step into the voting booth and give your vote to the USWP. Now is not the time for catchy slogans and pictures of girls, it’s time to get to work. The USWP is ready and waiting and all we need is your help to do it. Let’s get to work

Until Then, God Bless The eUSA
Dauntless2000, USWP Chief of Staff
Exitus Acta Probat- The outcome justifies the deed.

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