[USWP] Be Awesome; Join the USWP!

Day 2,100, 19:45 Published in USA USA by SColbert

So you want to join the Undead? That’s good because we are awesome. Do you want to be awesome too? Well I think your choice is clear than. Join the USWP, or you could just stay un-awesome.

Oh you want to be awesome? Well that’s good to hear, because between you and mean I don’t really like being around those other kind of people. You know, the “different” kind of people. You see them all the time walking around not being awesome. Good thing you stuck with me though because you really do not want to end up like them.

So first thing’s first, now that you know the reason why you should join the USWP you must be wondering what makes us so awesome. Well it is quite clear. The USWP is the oldest and most successful political party in the eUS. We have had more Presidents than any other party. We didn’t get to be so successful by being un-awesome (or worse Canadian). No we are a mechanics oriented party that focuses on the development of you as a player to better serve your country and your party.

Sounds awesome right? Yeah I know. No no please I no more compliments I get enough already. So to join first, join us in game to become a part of the team. Then join us on the forum to discuss party matters and issues, but first request access here. While there, request food and weapons from our Brains for Zombies program. For even more supplies consider joining the USWP official party MU the Zombie Defense Force. You will receive 65 Q5 food and 12 Q7 weapons daily, and can earn prizes just for reaching a certain amount of strength.

You know what else is awesome about the USWP? Our elections are pretty freaking awesome. Our nomination and electoral process, give you the player the power to choose your future leaders. Because of our party’s influence on the national stage this could mean choosing the President, or could be as simple as helping to elect who you think would make an awesome Party President. All it takes is an active voice, determination and drive. USWP will give you the platform to launch your own political career, or the ability to support who you, the voter, think should lead our party, or even our nation.

For more info you can talk to the Party President Wild Owl or to anyone else in leadership (even me SColbert). Remember, be awesome join the USWP.

Also if you can think of a way to make Ted Cruz smile please PM SColbert. I mean even when he is happy he looks sad!

USWP Members of the Zombie Defence Force can request 12 Q7 Tanks and 65 Q5 food EVERY DAY!

What is there to lose? Join the ZDF Today!