[USA] TL;DR - this article sucks ;)

Day 848, 07:59 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

To quote my last article:
So what happens now?
1. There is a meeting at approximately 1800 with AAP leadership to discuss the way forward.
2. There may or may not be some discussion with Emerick afterward.
3. There shall be a formal announcement in this newspaper once the dust clears.

So what theme music is perhaps best for today's news?
~ This was a triumph.

The aesthetic quality of this article sucks. I am rushing to write it before leaving for work. So, there is no pretty formatting. Sorry. 😉

Also, as always, skip the picture at the end if you are epileptic. 😉

At you know, I am the current Party President for America's Advancement Party. The past five days have been a major roller coaster. I entered the election with a bold idea in mind, as I saw a wide open field and a party that was about to re-defined by a big name.

During the election, I spoke with many people, realized many things.
1. We can make major changes within the AAP to involve small parties, independents, etc.
2. Most of the eUSA does not like to see a hostile takeover of the biggest party.
3. It would be wrong of me to just roll in and wreck the work of so many people.
4. The eUSA does need to see Emerick back in action on the national scene.
5. I have grown arrogant and prideful. As someone commented in my article, "Pride goeth before the fall". I still wanted to change the AAP as much a possible to revitalize our national political culture. But, I resolved to only do so with the consent of their traditional leadership. I resolved to give their party back if they wanted me to. This is only fair.

Last night, I held a conference with AAP leaders for about 4 hours.
~ Everyone present was a party elder of the AAP, and we also involved Emerick for part of the conference. These folks were present:
1. Max McFarland 2
2. Seeker1 - party elder
3. Ballman - Former PP
4. Evan Feinman - party elder
5. Aren Perry - Former PP, also a big critic of me, check his last article
6. Rheinlander von Phalz - my old adversary, ask anyone in Congress
7. NoMistake - young party leader
8. Vincenzo Macena - party elder
9. Emerick (part of the conference, like 40 minutes)

Many possibilities were discussed. These decisions were made:
1. The AAP does not want to involve Emerick. I have made separate arrangements with Emerick to speak with him tonight, to help him build his own party, so I may help him carry out his vision for the eUSA. Emerick and I have debated and fought in private message and secure channels on irc for almost ten hours how since Saturday. I will fund and support Emerick in his quest, as I believe it will make our nation stronger. But, he shall not carry out his vision from within the AAP.
2. The AAP will not be taking their resources and moving to a small party. Some wanted to take my offer to rebuild like this, but the majority decided against it.
3. I offered to leave the AAP and transfer ownership back to one of their party leaders if they were truly unhappy with my takeover. After discussion, there was unanimous decision asking me to stay, and we then discussed a compromise between my radical vision for revolution and their traditions. While coalition governments are not normal in America, I have experience in such governments, and felt a coalition government for the party would be best in this case.
4. My agenda of using the nation's biggest party to empower small parties stands. All current AAP folks in Congress may continue to run, along with those candidates within the party they have already identified. Altogether, there are not that many in total. I invite every small party who is interested to run one or more candidates in the AAP, if they have the votes to support their candidate. I want to give every ideology a voice in government, to make the national government reflect the people. My only concern is that the candidates are intelligent team players, capable of being successful in Congress. I have no economic or political agenda. I will accept free market economists, trade protectionists, small-government advocates, big-government nationalists, anyone so long as they have intelligent reasons for their position. I have the support of the AAP leadership in my goal to make this happen. This is my big issue.
5. Economic Orientation. I am changing the economic orientation of the party to Center, to reflect that we shall have many different opinions on economics in Congress.
6. Political Orientation. I am changing the political orientation of the party to Authoritarian. I had originally planned on Totalitarian, once the old guard left. But, since we have a coalition government, we shall be Authoritarian instead. This change has been made with unanimous consent of the old party leadership. This change in culture shall affect everything we do, in the party in-game, on the forum, etc. No more primaries. I select and endorse candidates directly, taking into consideration the advice of my council. No more committees. Authority is delegated to members of my council directly, as we work to reform the party to make strong and efficient. Etc.
7. New Party Leadership. I hold final authority as Party President, over the party in-game, the party forum, party channels, etc. Below me, I have a new Executive Council of eight members. Rheinlander von Phalz, Seeker1, NoMistake, Vincenzo Macena, Aren Perry, Ballman, Tormod, and Evan Feinman. They are each empowered to act in my place unless I overrule them. They may only overrule my decisions only by unanimous consent. Members of the Executive Council serve at my discretion.
8. Priorities. As part of our compromise, I have agreed to assist the AAP in reforming much of their current internal party structure. Right now, our two focus areas are on the upcoming Congressional elections, and on improving internal communications. We have assigned tasks, and will be working hard to carry out much reform this month.
9. There are no plans to change the name and image of the party. Yet.

1. If you want to run for Congress, contact me, Vincenzo Macena, or Seeker1. We are already running new candidates from the Imperialsts, Bastards of Liberty, and Technokrats. We welcome all small parties and independents. No strings attached. No obligations. Just sign up on the party forum and contact us: http://aap.eusforum.com/index.php
2. If you want a place in the new order, contact us. We have not lost any of our old party leaders. We shall take what we can of the old structure, and build a stronger future. So far, we have not lost any of the old party leadership, except perhaps Emmanuel Cruise. He has been understandable silent recently.
3. Contact me if you have any questions. I shall attempt to return to answering 100% of my messages. I promise you my best effort possible.


Max McFarland 2
Senator & Governor-for-Life, Ohio
Party President, America's Advancement Party