[USA] The Voting Dilemma

Day 776, 12:17 Published in USA Hungary by Zoli


I know that voting is sexy, but because there are 5 candidates it makes the rock, paper, scissors into rock, paper, scissors, lizard and Spok and scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

I am not going to talk about all candidates, just about the top runners, Jewitt and Woxan.

Do not expect me to point out all of their acomplishments, but I've selected a few memorable moments.

- Region swaping with China during Hungarian prime time when Hungary struck down and took Jilin from the USA - too bad his VP took down the article in which he acknoledged that he pushed the buttons instead of Jewitt.
- He arranged a couple of battles, where he and his buddies got battle hero medals.
- He started two attack against Heilongjiang, 1500 each, asked the population to berzerk and use all reserves, just to call it a block after tanking more then 10000 GOLD in the battle. Just to make it more fun Jewitt fought barehanded, not even using weapons
- He felt asleep once again and allowed Hungary to attack the USA again in Inner Mongolia, when he could have just retreated in a Chinese attack and by giving back Inner Mongolia to China he could have stopped the Hungarian attack.
- Last week he approached the Hungarian government offering not to attack Heilongjiang if Hungary will not try push the USA from Asia - bet you did not knew about this. He had to retreat his offer when EDEN ordered him to attack Hungary in order to save Romania.
- I will not even mention recurring campaing goals of taking regions from the UK.

In conclusion he will never surpass his master, whom I consider the best US president to date, no matter how hard he tries. Not to mention that his running mate is not Kosher.

- He is the man who after announcing that he is scalling back his activity, got elected to the Congress and decided to run for POTUS.
- He is the guy that tanked only twice in his life but he is a self proclaimed expert in military strategies.
- He was resilient to hand back the control over the CBO after he got to manage state funds.
- Last Congress elections he ran as a "blocker" in California, won elections, but has not even issued appologiez for his smooth move.
- He selected no goals so he could not be made accountable in case of winning the elections.

I believe he can teach his teacher some lessons. He would back-stab anybody, even sell his own mother just to get what he wants.

Voting is sexy, but do you know who to vote for?