[USA] January 25th - King Kitty vs Mr. Clean

Day 797, 23:39 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2


So we're coming close to another Country President election.
~ If this one is anything like the ones before, it should get a little nasty.

It's a funny thing, really. There is no particular reason for any hostility; both camps should be ready and willing to cooperate once the dust clears. Nonetheless, our recent history proves that somewhat vicious animosities build up between the surrogates for each side. Once it starts somewhere, it spreads like a wildfire, until it completely engulfs a large portion of each side. Sometimes, even after the election, the embers will flare up and start more fires. Endlessly.

Is it possible that King Kitty and Mr. Clean could have a respectful contest? Sure.
~ In fact, I found some pictures of PigInZen. They're pretty old. From what I understand, these date from some time long ago when he spent a few years over in Asia. Now, I know, you might be tempted to say, "Wait! That's not Mr. Clean?!?". Fear not. It all makes perfect sense. You see, as anyone who was around before the citizenship module can attest, any citizen of eRepublik could immediately and instantly pick up the flag of any nation around the world, with all attendant benefits. True story. So, anyway, maybe these pictures could give us an idea of there can ever be peace between King Kitty and Mr. Clean?

~ This is Mr. Clean taking some kitties out for a date. Apparently his idea of a double date was to have two kitties all for himself. I guess it turns out he is a chauvinist pig. How surprising.

~ Here we have a picture from later that same day; I guess one of the kitties got jealous and left. That's ok, Mr. Clean seems to have really hit it off with the remaining kitty. I just have to wonder about the simple physical mechanics of it..... the size difference must have been an issue. For their mouths, of course.

Well at this point, I have to say we have seen some things that could be cause for concern. I was afraid that King Kitty and Mr. Clean might not be able to play nice and be friends. But, in fact, perhaps I should have been more concerned that they would be too friendly. Oh dear... it's simply too much to bear.

Perhaps I should seek some advice on the matter... but I sent Plato away! Who shall counsel me!?! Oh, wait, I know just the guy. Heck, he should be an expert. Let's see if I can load him up in that spot where Plato used to be.....

There we go. Pierric, what do you think, am I worried for nothing? It's not possible that King Kitty and Mr. Clean could be up to anything nasty, is it?


Oh... the horror... I can't bear to think of it a second longer... King Kitty and Mr. Clean doing unmentionable things to one another... what shall their supporters think? The scandal of it all...

Well, chin up, let's just jump to the back of the photo album, and see how Mr. Clean's date with that other kitty ended so long ago.

O_o o.o x_x ...that kitty looks positively spent...

King Kitty Can Into Mr. Clean!?! Ohnoes.....

So there you have it... it seems inevitable. I was completely consumed by the entirely wrong fear. The danger is not that they will have a nasty contest for the Presidency. The real danger is more insidious... far more unnatural. I'd wager this can't possibly be kosher. What would Jewitt think?

So I figure that's enough disturbing thoughts for tonight. Sleep tight.
~ Play nice on the 25th... just not too nice, m'kay? 😉


~ Party President, Umbrella Research Party, 15 - 23 Jan 10

~ So how about a clean fight guys? 😉