[USA] Hello, United Kingdom

Day 585, 14:31 Published in United Kingdom USA by Harrison Richardson

Hello. I'm Harrison, the Secretary of State of the United States and a presidential candidate. I'd like to have a talk with you all, if I can, about some issues we've been having.

Seems a lot of disinformation is being spread about us. I'm not too happy to hear that so I'm here to clear up a few things.

"The USA HATES the UK!

False. That is a lie. It could not be more distant from the truth. The UK and the USA have a long-standing relationship of being allies and we hope to keep that up.

"Harrison hates the UK"

False. I like the UK. I personally dislike your system of Congress and how much red tape you have, but that's for you all to decide, not me. I'm not a citizen so you can live how you guys want.

"The USA doesn't want the UK in Fortis"

False. If we didn't, why would I be writing this article?

"Fortis is messed up because of weighted voting!

Weighted voting was agreed upon, after 5 meetings, by the UK Government. The USA and Spain do not "control" the alliance, and we do not have a "majority" of votes, as is often said. The UK, Canada, and Ireland each have two votes. Spain and the USA have 3.

I will answer questions via PM or this article with regards to the UK-USA relationship.

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