[USA] AAP Revolutionary Manifesto.

Day 844, 01:30 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

Would you like some theme music?
~ freedom 101

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
I would remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

~ Barry Goldwater

I am currently Party President for America's Advancement Party.
~ Party President Aersidius relinquished control Friday night.

The election is on Monday. There are a range of contenders, making all kinds of promises. I must confess I have my doubts such grand promises may be kept. The AAP has over 1800 members, but only about 350 responded to a recent census. The party is literally dying. This trend is a common one in eRepublik. The lead party attracts the most newcomers, surviving by inertia. The lead party then sucks. The USWP was at its worst during the height of it's numbers, and now the AAP is experiencing a similar reality. The simple fact is that the top party is always plagued by complacency and inactivity. Any efforts to fix it are better spent on a smaller party in the top five.

I plan to burn this party to the ground and rebuild it for the good of the nation.

We live in a society of great injustice. Only five parties have any political voice. The rest of the nation has nothing. There are 53 parties. There are many independents. There are mountains of disenfranchised individuals throughout the nation who have no voice in our government. There must be complete and utter collapse of the great beast before the voice of the nation may see a resurrection. If the house has decayed beyond repair, burn the house down.

I want the AAP for their dead bodies. I want them for their two-clickers. I want them because they are the number one party, and will continue to to be the number one party even if every active party member leaves. Is it fair to ask one party to sacrifice so much? No. It never is fair. But one party must die to give life to the nation, and it must be the biggest party. There is no other way. There is a responsibility of every citizen to resist the tyranny of the elite minority. There comes a time when the nation must rise up a say to the powers that be, be it with your blood or ours, we have come to water the tree of liberty.

The in-game party orientation shall change.
~ The party shall be re-named.
~ The party shall be re-imaged.
~ The party shall be re-oriented to Center, Totalitarian.

The old party leadership are welcome to stay or go.
~ I do not need the forum.
~ I do not need the organizations.
~ I do not need the irc channels.
~ I do not need the active leaders.
~ I do not need anything except the party.

I want the dead. I want the zombies. I want the two-clickers.

The plan is simple. This past election, we ran five citizens in every region for Congress. This past election, we saw many blockers and snipers and military personnel win elections. Many feared utter chaos. What happened? This Congress has had more debate then any in the three previous months I have served. There have been debates from every position across the economic and political spectrum. There have been fights. This has been absolutely beautiful. In the old Congress, most everyone agreed, so nothing happened. Apathy and complacency. This time, with so many visions, this Congress has engaged in more debate and successfully passed more legislation then any I have seen in the past three months. This process of creative destruction gives new life to our nation. We do not need to go back to 51 rigged elections. We need to have 51 fighting candidates on the ticket. We need to gather them from across the nation. The entrenched oligarchies of the top five parties be damned, we need fresh blood from outside the mainstream.

Every month I shall run one real candidate per region.
~ I shall accept and run for Congress the candidates from the 48 parties not in the top five.
~ I shall accept and run for Congress the independents who hold no party.
~ I shall accept and run for Congress every worthwhile citizen who comes forward until we are full.

The new party organization shall be simple.
~ Utterly and completely totalitarian. I shall hold the only position in party leadership.
~ I shall decide who runs, with an informal council of those most active and wise members.
~ The only guiding documents and records shall be on public google documents.

This party shall represent the entirety of the nation who live outside the top five.
~ This party belongs to the nation, the voice of the many outside the top five parties.
~ This party belongs to the military who hold no political allegiances.
~ This party belongs to the 48 parties who suffer without representation.
~ This party belongs to the people who shall take their place in their government.

This party shall not engage in partisanship.
~ No mobile voters. Candidates are responsible for their own election.
~ No party infrastructure. The point of this party is to enfranchise the masses.
~ No party positions. Congress is all that matters.
~ No party rivalries. If another hits the number one spot I shall bleed them next.
~ Nothing except a vehicle to give the nation a voice in government.

In the current climate, the accept practice is for the big parties to take over and wreck the small parties they do not respect. They do not attempt to mentor them, to help them, to develop them. They ruin them. This is ridiculous. Why does our retention suck? Why do people leave? Because we chase them away. Let's give all the active small parties a voice in government. Let's run a true populist uprising to put the people in government.

We need a new revolution in the eUSA. A political revolution. A social revolution. A revolution where we remember just what it means to be an American, what it means to be a patriot, and what it means to stand proud and free. Do not be intimidated by older players who sit high above you and make decisions that affect your life in this game, but which you have no control over. Rise up and take place your place in the halls of government. Rise up and make the voice of every party in the nation heard. Rise up and make the voice of every worthwhile independent heard. Our nation must operate as a strict meritocracy, not an oligarchy of the top five parties. Let this party, reborn, be the vehicle for the voice of everyone outside the fold.

What about the old AAP?
~ I currently control a party with over 100 members that was born as a joke.
~ I shall give this party to the AAP folks who want to preserve their legacy.
~ Let them fight their way to the top five, as the Federalists have done.
~ I speak to many of the AAP leaders, and I see their disgust and disregard for their party.
~ Let those who wish to stay do so, and those who want to reinvent the AAP do so.

I ask you to trust me. I ask you to join me. I ask you to vote for me. I ask you, help me show these elites how to struggle. Help me show them how to fight. Let's make them fight for their lives in every last election. Let's show them how to bring about a real revolution. I ask you to join hands with me, by giving me your vote, and then moving on your way. I ask you to help me give a voice to all those who stand in the cold. My goal is not the victory of the majority's might. I seek the vindication of the minority's right. Not security at the expense of freedom in elections, but instead a new dawn of both security and freedom.

Let freedom ring.

Max McFarland 2
Senator, Ohio