[US]Keepin' 'em down

Day 1,051, 02:04 Published in USA China by mihail.cazacu

Time to extinguish the Phoenix flames for good

There is no such thing as Phoenix. There's Serbia and Hungary + lapdogs.

We've done a great job expelling Serbia from Lioning but they're still in Asia, close to the iron in Karnataka, close to the Australian titanium and not too far from South Africa and South America (via the southern route Australia-South Africa-Argentina).

- We've made the mistake of stopping after wiping out France and Germany and we've ended up with Serbia in Lioning.

- We've made the mistake of stopping after expelling Hungary from Heilongjiang and we've ended up with Indonesia in Australia and South Africa under Hungarian PTO.

We can make the same mistake twice but making it thrice would be one too many.

If we want to bring Phoenix back to the ashes it came from we need to strike at it's weakest point.

However it's weakest point is not one of the lapdogs. Only a fool would try to kill a tiger by chopping its tail off! Since Phoenix = Serbia + Hungary, it's weakest point is Hungary.

Hungary is the brains, Serbia is the muscle.

OK, we've seen the Hungarians brains at work when they've managed to lose the North American campaign 1-on-1 against the USA. But nevertheless, if that's what Phoenix has for brains, we'd be better knock those brains out.

Hungary has 6 core regions. This means once we've managed to wipe them out they'll be busy with 6 RWs before they're available again for assisting Serbia.

And for completely evicting Serbia out of Asia we need less than 6 battles.

This is why today the traditional "Training War" between Romania and Hungary turned into a full-blown invasion.

It's open season for Huns.

Happy hunting!