[US Army] Holy Sh** they are coming!

Day 591, 12:03 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Afternoon America,

Once again America's biggest fan, Zoli, a Hungarian, has taken it upon himself to "help" us out. I find it amusing myself, as does America. Thanks for the laughs Zoli! We still know better and America sees through your "good" intentions....


I mean seriously, here we have a eHungarian citizen, a country who would like nothing else but destroy America, pumping BS articles into our media and having his (peace) friends vote it up into our top rated section, in order to "help" us out. Dude please, surely you can't be serious. Trying to convince us to divert our Military funding to hospitals. Why? Well that's obvious, he fears America's rapidly growing firepower.

First of all, all the info he presents in his weak attempt to mislead us has been hashed over by our government time and time again. The plan he lays out assumes a few things that aren't necessarily true. Number 1, a lot of our citizens do not log in daily or participate in war. Why? My guess is they have a life and don't live on their computer like some of us do. Secondly, Zoli assumes that everyone actually wants to fight wars here. I know from personal experience through interaction with people that some of us refuse to play this game as a war game. They bring their views of pacifism to eRep, and thats how they roll here.

Again, We have established two "forts" if you will in NJ and FL. The vast majority of our active citizens are there and fighting well. Zoli's calls for us to buy Q5's for the whole damn country are nothing more than mere weak ass ploy to get us to spend our income elsewhere. Why? because he fears our military. The American Military machine is fast becoming the powerhouse in a post Atlantis era. With Atlantis gone, (peace)GC has no boogieman to talk about. Without a clear opponent, they have no purpose. As a result, they have chosen America as their foe and bombard our media with nonsense almost daily. I for one say bring it.

I know Zoli is still butt-hurt over Rambo and the dog pics I used, so without further adue.

Come on Dude, you missed again!

Holy Sh**! the US Army is still coming!


Joe DaSmoe,
Patriot, Marine on leave, Congressman, AMERICAN.