[ URGENT ] Norway votes KIR [EDITED]

Day 442, 11:31 Published in Norway Romania by sebahmah

Although i'm not norwegian, i stand beside my fellow allies.

The trecherous russians have destroyed Norway in the last couple of days, stealing money and proposing devastating laws.

After they have won the power in congress with the help of iranian goons, now they are after the presidency, which could mean the end of Norway.


EDIT: The trecherous Russians have done it again they've changed Salve for Forconin, and probably as he will announce the admins that it was a fake proposals, they propose another famous norwegian. Even more thay added 2 more candidates to misguide people.

Now there are 3 candidates, kir, mossad and salve.

But don't be fooled, Salve is not running for presidency, it's just a russian scheme. The Golden Party, where both kir and Salve are members has proposed kir. The Russian terrorists have proposed Mossad. The third party, The Anti-russian Alliance is just an Ruso-Iranian party that changed it's name. And because of a glitch in the ssytem that lets any party to proposed any citizen in that specific country, they chosen Salve so your votes will be divided.

An intelligent move i'd say, if you take into account the fact that Salve is the most known norwegian.

But be advised this is only a trap, con't waste your vote on Salve.


PS: It is posible that the admins will correct this and will eliminate Salve from the run untill elections start, if not, make sure you vote for kir.

Be advised hundreds of comments from russian terorists will follow trying to brainwash you, just check the congress work and you'll have all the evidence.

and vote this up, so everyone is aware of the danger.