[Urgent] Ne omoara copiii [ RO/EN]

Day 535, 13:32 Published in Romania Romania by Mistwalker

Buna seara,

Se pare ca baby-boom din aceasta zi a pus ungurii in alerta mai ceva decat ne-am fi asteptat. Da am vazut toti ca au atacat Chisinau si da ne-am obisnuit toti cu fatarnicia lor cand vine de eliberat alte tari .. se pare ca acum vor sa elibereze Moldova, de cine .... nu poate sti nimeni.

Partea proasta e ca lipsa de onoare a unora nu se opreste aici. Mai multe companii unguresti au fost infiintate in Romania si sunt folosite in scopul de a atrage userii noi si a-i captura in firme de calitate q2 sau mai mare.

Urmatoarele firme au fost vazute pe piata de munca cu peste 900 de oferte de 5 RON pt skill 0, este vorba de oprimare, sabotaj si rautate pe fata. Nu le-a fost de ajuns ca au spamat media din RL astazi, un lucru care mie mi se pare dezgustator in sensul ca duce lucrurile prea departe afara din joc, dar acum se rezuma la tactici de genul asta ?

Va rog toti sa verificati Job Market zilnic si sa scrieti mesaje userilor de level 1 pe care ii vedeti angajati la asa firme fantoma, trebuie sa ne aparam populatia indiferent de varsta si de intentii, toti merita o sansa !

Acesta este org-ul care a postat ultimele oferte de munca pentru skill 0:



Vajk Metal Penguins

Vajk Wood Penguins

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Daca ati nimerit in una din aceste firme si nu puteti lucra, folositi cu incredere butonul de RESIGN

Din fereastra principala mergeti My Places -> Company -> RESIGN


At people's request I have made an english translation:

Good evening,

It seems that today's baby-boom has put the hungarians on alert more than we would have expected. Yes we all saw they atacked Chisinau (historic moldavian region) but we're used to their two-facedness when it comes to 'liberating' other countries, it seems now they want to liberate Moldavia, from whom ... no one can ever know...

The downside however is that their lack of honor does not stop here. More hungarian companies were funded in Romania and are being used to lure in new users and trap them in q2 or higher quality companies (to kill them)

The following companies have been sighted on the job market with over 900 offers of 5 RON for skill 0, it's about opression, sabotage and downright evilness. It was not enough for them spamming our Real Life virtual media today, something I find disgusting in the sense that it takes things too far outside the game, but now they have to lower themselves to tactics like this ?

Please check the Job Market daily and write messages to level 1 users you see working there hired at these ghost companies, we have to defend our population regardless of age or intentions, everyone deserves a chance !

This is the org from which the skill 0 job offers originate😛



Vajk Metal Penguins

Vajk Wood Penguins

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