[URGENT] Call To Arms! [ Edited 00:15 Day 2,979]

Day 2,978, 07:34 Published in India India by SpaceMonkey.11
Objectives Rush is here!

For those living under a rock, I'll make your life easier by putting a link to the update here on the article - Objectives Rush Reloaded.

This is going to be similar to the ones we had during Burning Base and Wintery Something(my memory sucks) tourneys. For those with a memory span like mine, I'll break it down to the very important details that we need to abide by -

(Shamelessly lifting from Bholenath's old article...)

1. Join Azad Hind Fauj.

2. Due to the reason that the prizes will be awarded to the collective effort of a single regiment (not the complete MU), fighters will be added or removed from the concerned regiment based on active fights, past participation, etc.

3. Once you are in, follow our group on Skype (ask for invite if you're not already there) OR the MU Chatroom OR the 'Azad Hind Fauj' tab of 'My Feed' to know the exact time to start fighting and which battle to fight in.
le AHF Feed
le MU Chatroom

4. It has been decided that the interval between our deployments shall be approximately 5 hours, the first one being 0100 erep time on Day 2,979.

5. Be online during that exact time but don't start fighting yet. Monitor the MU chatroom or Skype chatroom. In the chatroom, when you see the commander say 'Go Go Go' (or something like that) only then start fighting. Make sure you have moved to the correct place before fighting.

6. When you see the 'Go Go Go' signal, repeatedly refresh the battlefield till you see this structure on the battlefield :
A building which has been destroyed and whose timer is up

7. After you see the building and if the timer on it is NOT showing 00:00 then start fighting. The aim is to 'destroy' this building as soon as possible by a collective effort. If the timer on the building is showing 00:00 then DO NOT FIGHT!

8. It's best to fight with bazookas to destroy it. If you can't spare bazookas, next best thing is Q7 weapons. If you can't spare that either, ask on MU chat or Skype & you shall receive supplies. It's of utmost importance that everyone contributes, however little, in the fight.

9. After the building has been destroyed
- If you want to go for BH or if you want to gain Rank points (10% extra) then fight with Q7s.
- If only want Prestige Points (1 to 4 extra PPs per hit) only then use any weapon - you can also go bare handed (Q0) (but keep in mind that IK does not inhibit bare-handed fights!)
correction: sorry, no PP bonuses this time.

10. Stop Fighting when the countdown timer becomes 00:00

le Case Study

1. The building is deployed and the countdown timer starts at 5:00 minutes. We fight and get it destroyed within a minute so the timer now reads 4:00 minutes. So, we have got 4 minutes to fight more and gain PP and RP.

2. The building is deployed and the countdown timer starts at 5:00 minutes. We fight and get it destroyed within 4 minute so the timer now reads 1:00 minutes. So, we have got 1 minutes to loot rewards.

In case 1, we can loot more rewards since the building was destroyed early (which is why it's important to get it destroyed early.)

For fighters with deep pockets

1. After it's destroyed you have only limed time to fight and get the rewards. So, if you can afford and if you have lot of FFs to burn, use an accelerators AFTER it's destroyed.

2. If you are even more affluent, use accelerators from the start. This will mean that you will do kills faster which means that the building will be destroyed faster which will mean more time to loot rewards.

3. If you are going with Q7s, use damage boosters too - less hits per kill.

"Too long, didn't read."

1. More kills = More damage on the building.

2. Your strength, rank and division do not matter. So a 100k strength D4 player deals the same damage to the building per kill as a 10 strength D1 player.

3. See AHF feed for the exact time to fight and co-ordinate on the MU chatrom.

4. Weapon preference before the building is destroye😛 Bazookas > Q7s > Q6s > ....

5. Weapon preference after the building is destroye😛 Q7s if you need Rank Point + Prestige Points. Bare-handed if you need only Prestige Points

6. Accelerators before the building is destroye😛 Only if you can afford it

7. Accelerators after the building is destroye😛 Recommended for +2 and +3 PP buildings

8. Boosters before the building is destroye😛 Don't use if you're going with Bazookas. Recommended if you are using Q7s (will decrease hits per kill which means less energy for each kill.)

9. Stop fighting when the countdown timer on the building is 00:00

10. The damage done on the building by each hitter decreases with each kill so more hitters = easier to destroy the building. (Normal damage dealt in the battle is not affected - it doesn't decrease.)
So 10 kills by 10 people >> 100 kills by 1 person.


What Plato got for you...

1. For every destroyed objective, the Regiment will get a Damage Booster that will increase the damage of all the soldiers in the Regiment with 50%. The Damage Booster gets activated the moment the objective is destroyed and lasts for 24 hours.

2. Each destroyed objective will extend the validity of the Regiment’s Damage Booster with 24 hours. (Destroying 10 objectives will result in 10 days of Damage Booster for the Regiment).

3. If the player activates a regular Damage Booster while a Regiment Booster is active, the 2 boosts will add (i.e: If the player activates a 50% Damage Booster, the total boost value will be 100%. If the player activates a 100% Damage Booster, the total boost will be 150).

4. The Regiment’s Damage Booster will be available to any member of the Regiment, no matter if they helped bringing down the objective, if they were eligible to contribute for the Regiment during this event, or if they joined the Regiment after the event. Players leaving the Regiment will not benefit from the Booster even if they contributed to the destruction of the objectives (but they can always come back to the Regiment where the Booster is active).

5. Please keep in mind that only members of the Regiment at the beginning of the day are able to help their Regiment bring down objectives and that the number of enemies defeated, not the damage, counts to the destroyal of the objective.

What Azad Hind Fauj got for you...

In accordance to the number of deployments you participate in, you will be rewarded handsomely -

- 10 Q7 weapons for 1 deployment.
- 50 Q7 weapons for 3 deployments.
- 250 Q7 weapons for 5 deployments.
- 1250 Q7 weapons for 7 deployments.

cool? cool.

Let's coordinate to dominate!!
For India!

Jai Hind o7

- SpaceMonkey.11