[UPDATE] Theocratic To Do List

Day 660, 00:49 Published in South Korea Poland by MaZzA


we won, we have a country and now?

Well guys this is the "to do" list:


Type = Gold
House Q5 = 390 ---> Done
House Q2 = 40 ---> Done
Grain Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Grain Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Grain Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Grain Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Food Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Food Q2 = 40 ---> Done
Food Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Food Q4 = 190
Weapon Q5 = 390
Weapon Q5 = 390
Weapon Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Weapon Q3 = 90 ---> Done
Weapon Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Weapon Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Gift Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Gift Q1 = 20 ---> Done
Gift Q1 = 20
Moving Ticket Q1 = 20 ---> Done
TOTAL GOLD --- 2140

Progressively we will setup all companies. It's a huge outlay of gold so we will setup first export companies like foods, tickets and house.
It's also a problem KRW treasury. We need to print a lot of KRWs to manage all this company.
In Theocratic Nation of Switzerland every company had about 1000 chf inside to face to salaries.
We will start with few KRWs, so salaries now will be low, after we will stabilize its to (skill+1)*5 according to the value of KRW in monetary market.
In Companies list, it's not included the outlay for raws and export licenses.
Grain raw it's not a problem now, we have a grain high region, for the other raws we need to trade from others countries (not a prob we did it also in Switzerland).


MPP to partecipate to wargames = 30/60 gold

It's very important a wargame to restore wellness and to rank up soldiers. Lithuania answered in a negative way to our request to join Lithuania vs Latvia wargame.
So we will ask to Malaysia vs Philippines. We partecipated in this wargame where we were in Switzerland. I hope they will accept us.
Partecipating to wargame means also to create Weapon Companies: we will start with a Q1 company.

THA: we will start in few days a census. We will also publish an article to new theocrats that want join our army (I received a lot of requests).


We are now without a party in Theocratic Nation of South Korea, we no need now. About 20 september we will create a Theocratic Party for congressual election.
Are other 40 gold.


Our irc channel is always the same: #theocratic_diplomacy on server: irc.rizon.net or direct link: http://embed.mibbit.com/?server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23Theocratic_diplomacy
We have now also a forum: http://theocratic.tk/ if you want you can register here and wait to be accepted.

Well this is the to do list, I hope all this will be ready in one month.

If you have to suggest something write it in a comment. Thanks

Dio Akira