[UPDATE]My second Media Mogul

Day 1,441, 00:48 Published in Bulgaria Malaysia by Sla_boyz

Today, once again i have managed to get my second media mogul after 5 days get it for the first time. So, to those who didn't get their food yet, don't be afraid because i will distribute it later..I will not be around about 8 hours and please wait for your turn to receive the food.Thank to all who have helped me a lot to get this medal...


Today, once again i would like to give free Q2 food to all who vote and sub my newspaper. Now, i have 1781 sub and need 219 subs more to get my second media mogul medal. It would be great thing if i can get it because a few days ago, i also managed to get it for the first time. So, to get free food, these are few things that you need to do first.

1. Vote this article
2. Subscribe to this newspaper
3. Leave the comment below
4. Shout this article


So, don't miss these opportunity!! Get your food now!! And also i hope that you guys can wait to get the food because it need time to distribute the food to all. For those who want me to sub their newspaper back, you can PM me but i will not give you food although you have subs my newspaper because you already get my sub.


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