{UPDATE} Just a Few Things

Day 599, 13:46 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings Ladies and Gentleman,

The fighting between Indonesia and Japan has begun. Hungary has gained control of Scotland. If war is to take place, it could come at any time, but I am not here today to be a fear monger. The last I will mention regarding the situation is that I have a few extra moving tickets available, so if you would like to move to Kansas, Florida or New Jersey, PM me and I will see what I can do.


In other news, just about an hour ago the Presidents of Poland and Sweden were impeached. Fartman has been replaced by aryss in Poland and in Sweden, Algaroth was replaced by Roteda. Minutes after taking power, the President of Sweden proposed an alliance with the US, more updates as they become available.

Poland Impeachment

Sweden Impeachment

Japanese Intrigue

This just in, I have heard from a source that shall remain nameless that the Japanese Congress was strongarmed by the Indonesians into agreeing to the land swap that is taking place. This took place when the Indonesians threatened to take the land by force if the Japanese did not agree and then offered 3 Q5 hospitals if the Japanese gave it up voluntarily. There was apparently a lot of resistance to the agreement until the threats and bribes came pouring out.

So Long,

Daniel Dodge