[UNL] ThomasRed : on the road to Belgium...

Day 802, 12:42 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

[UNL] ThomasRed : on the road to Belgium...

Dear citizens of the United Netherlands,

The reborn of eBelgium on the map have raised a lot of questions, and also a lot of issues.
eBelgium have been the target of a political take over from a lot of citizens from all over the eWorld.

eBelgium is trying to build a strong state, without the help of UNL, to stay independent, and not fall into Phoenix influence.
A lot of people are now helping to build this nation, in which there is a large number of non real life Belgians.

As a Belgian Party founder, as a former Belgian Party congress member, as a eUnited Netherlands president, as a real life Belgian, and as a citizen from the New World I stood ready to increase the quality of the the eBelgians' life in eRepublik anytime, I have also always defended the Belgians' rights and interests, and I can't stay any longer in the eUnited Netherlands, where I have been elected President for a fifth time last month. I feel being called to my destiny, as I'm currently seen as a foreign President in eBelgium, even as a an enemy by some Belgians citizens...

My eHome is eBelgium, this is the place where I will be able to continue the work of the Belgian Party and where I will be able to meet the others Belgians who really care about their country. I have been asked to go home by many citizens who wanted to see me more involved in politics in eBelgium. Our work is not finished...

I strongly think that eBelgium actually need to keep a strong link with his recent past, to not forget all the improvements the Belgians knew in the UNL and to continue in the same direction.

Some of my belgians friends have been estonished to see the comeback of old eBelgians players : it's a very good thing to have them back in eBelgium, and it's really a honor to count on their experience... But we don't need to start at zero : Belgium wasn't created last month, and the work for Belgium have started in the United Netherlands.

Some have also been estonished to see the large number of american players on the eBelgium forum, and we received news that USA was planning to take over presidential elections next month. The question of the neutrality of Belgium seems very strange when all contacts with UNL are refused but when all EDEN citizens are more than welcomed to give their help to eBelgium.

I have decided to go in eBelgium, and to use my experience and my abilities to work for a real eBelgium, ruled by eBelgians, in the respect of the history of eBelgium.

That's why I have asked the UNL congress to be impeached and leave DanielB1989 in charge, he has proven to be an excellent president in the past and I am sure that both Dutch and Belgian players can count on him.

The Belgian Party is in good hands with Boklevski at it head, and i will continue to be involve in the Belgian Party debates.

I will move to Belgium now and request citizenship.

Thanks United Netherlands, this is no goodbye !

Best regards,

Proud Belgian citizen

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