Day 1,486, 14:33 Published in Serbia Serbia by eSerbian MoFA


We know since the antiquity, that “for if the unity and being of the One are taken seriously, the One cannot in reality become other than what it already is—no manifold world can actually proceed out of the One, no opposites actually exist to transform into each other”(Paramenides).

Starting with that wisdom, the One is a Unit , and its future roots in the Being. We have the common goal since the beginning: struggle, subsistence, fight and the love of fellowship. We have to fight our battles together, with united force, so our united being can demonstrate, that together we will win!


When we help together a small country
from attack of the major country , we became ONE human race!

When we played together and Fight
we longed for hope and became ONE faith!

When millions observed silence, and thousands
protested against war, we spoke ONE language!

When Tank were consigned to fire and hands
were joined in UNITY, poverty ended, tears vanished!

When leaders UNITED with the commoners and
sang together 'World is ONE', peace returned!

When many country, fight together and become ONE Strategy, ONE opportunity, ONE Mission, and ONE destiny we all in ONE..

We have differences in population, country, nature, goals, expectations, and future. But you should know, now we are ONE, Striving towards the same direction.

There always be troubles in every path we choose, but trying to solve them together is the most important things that we should do.



What is ONE? Its sample We are UNITY;
That’s the state and quality of being one in ONE
The state and quality of being in harmony ‘cause we are ONE!

There were lot of combination and arrangement from the parts we represented, but now we are whole unity, we are ONE.
From all those combinations the union we formed.
We improved minority participation as UNITY and we are symbol, representation in ONE as unit which became strong and with voice!

Unity as ONE we stand together…

You know there is no such thing as a 'self-made' UNITY. We are made up of thousands of other one’s. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed or spoken one word of encouragement, fought with us, has entered into the make-up of our character as UNITY and of our thoughts, as well as our success.
Much of the success in here depends upon keeping ONE's mind open to opportunity and seizing it when it comes.

Unity as ONE we stand together…


Unity, unity! This is the first
Step to freedom! shattered -
We serve, but united
Prevail against their oppressors!

Unity, unity - and we win!

Hello citizens of the New World!

Leszek Kolakowski wrote that the more unity, the more good. The whole alliance ONE is UNITY, brotherhood. All countries belonging to this alliance are fighting with the sword, known as unity against his enemies. It does not matter religion, color or political affiliation. ONE WHOLE alliance creates one big family who will always fight in the name of ideals.

And let each of us will have the right to say: I'm dying for ideas. Because ideas are bulletproof.


UNITED in victory, UNITED in defeat!
UNITED like polar bears because we are ONE!

SUNSHINE comes after the rain,
And sometimes MUD comes after the rain,
For every situation we are PREPARED,

UNITY is not being in a crowd,
UNITY is being ready to SACRIFICE for the polar bears!

When ONE is bleeding, we are ALL bleeding!
And when the BLOOD paints the SNOW,
We know that it’ time for EREPUBLIK,

“Sticks and stones will break my bones,
but whips and chains excite me” (Rihanna)
NO FEAR, I tell ya!!!


As by knowing one lump of clay, dear one,
We come to know all things made out of clay-
That they differ only in name and form,
While the stuff of which all are made is clay;…
So through spiritual wisdom, dear one,
We come to know that all life is one.
In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second.
Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos
And entered into everything in it.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
You are that, you are that.

We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.


Unity is standing togheter in good will and acting for the common interests of the group. To understand that one needs, hopes and interests are everyone's needs, hopes and interest, and to develop de neccesary means to support one, each and all.

Brotherhood is to support each other no matter the cost. It is the strong to stand by the weak, it is the each and everyone to be ready to give it all and make sacrifices to assist the ones in need in their darkest hour. It is to be ready to accept sacrifices for the benefit of the group. To acknowledge that my intersts and needs are your interests and needs ans are everyone interests and needs.

Win can only be achieved by understanding these 2 basic principles of any alliance and its broader family of friends and associates, through solidarity and a common global strategy. It is the only way to win the Internet. Just like we did some months ago.

Are we ready??


What does unity stand for you might ask? For us, the question is simple: companionship.

Sweden is a relatively small country but with big hearts. Unfortunately hearts doesn't mean anything unless it has a VISA card sown into it. Therefore it feels good to know that our brothers are holding our backs in case an enemy comes knocking on our door.

ONE is an alliance filled with brothers and sisters from all around the world, fighting along eachother in the name of love. Do we worry about the future? Of course we do, are we afraid? No, cause as long as we stick together no one can make us fall, not even the eGod himself.

All for ONE and ONE for all.
Hail Sweden!
Hail ONE!


As an alliance, each nation within our community bears simple hallmarks

We are a brotherhood not built upon hatred
Nor that of selfishness or inconsideration
But that of friendship, honour, and comradeship.

We are an alliance that share common aspirations, goals and achievements,
That of support and assurance of the welfare of our brothers
And the protection of those who we hold most dear.

It is these values is what makes us strong
It is these values that intimidates our enemies
And it is these values that keep us pure

We are an alliance of something so much deeper
An alliance thicker than blood, and stronger than steel
Bound together by a connection built upon unity, and trust for each other

No individuals, no egos, and no dishonour

We are just... ONE