[UKRP] WookieO takes charge...

Day 2,430, 16:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

Welcome to the Jungle

Hello to each and every one of you in the UKRP...and to those of you from the ’other’ parties!

Thank you to those who voted for me in the party president elections, I hope this month lives up to my promises of activity, growth and plenty of fur fun.

Having made the Congress ballot last month and picking up the last UKRP spot I was thrust firmly back into the political jungle...which has certainly been eventful so far.

This gave me the impetus to run for PP and now I need to actually deliver on some of the plans I may have spouted on the party feed.

So…..what’s up first? A wholly DC congress list? A change of the party name to something highly entertaining, but ever so slightly rude? Or perhaps I’ve been playing the long game and am in fact a sleeper PTO agent and am about to spring into action, PTOing left, right and centre?

That’s like too much effort, man…

No. Fear not UKRP stalwarts. I am here to give the party a wee shake up admittedly, but with the influx of ex-UKPP members the other month, plus a few other new bods...it’s time to show a new face of the UKRP.

The party is not simply full of semi-retired political curmudgeons sitting like bloated whales in their comfy leather armchairs, smoking large cigars and engaging in repetitive discussions about the ’good old days’.

Thomas765 and Thedark ace are nobodies puppets…

In fact we have a whole host of young thrusters in our ranks these days and I want to showcase some of that wonderful talent over the next few weeks. So be prepared, right?

Congress...who’s on the list?

First up are the Congress elections which will be on us before I can say “antidisestablishmentarianism.” Now if Wayne weren’t on holiday, he’d probably be giving me a right earful because I’m not simply going to hand congress places to Royal Army Dental Corps members. If they’re up to scratch there may well be a few DCers on the ballot, but I’m going to be all fair and above board, guvnor.

Therefore if you want to be on the UKRP Congress list you need to send me, via a PM, a paragraph or two outlining why you feel you should be in Congress next month.

Are you a creep or are you a weirdo?

I shall then publish my list in a pre-election article and include your witterings to explain my choices. Fingers crossed this will bring out the best in the party and we’ll be able to shout out to the entire eUK that we in the UKRP have the best damn Congress list since DC temporarily took over TUP!

Anyway, that’s enough from me in this first article from the bowels of the UKRP PP’s office.

Oh, if you would like to take a role in the party and actually do something, either promoting the party or writing an amusing article about your pet hamster, Cyril, who happens to have the letters U, K, R & P as a birthmark on his backside...then let me know. I’ll give you a fancy title and badger you for media presence throughout the month.

Ta ta for now,
