[UKRP] Thanks, Congratulations and Commiserations

Day 829, 08:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

I would like to congratulate the following UKRP members who were elected to Congress this term:

Raziel Darkheart - London

Alex Lawrence - London

Daniel Thorrold - London

Myself - South East of England

Margaret H Thatcher - South West of England

Detroit34 - East Midlands

Jaytune95 - West Midlands

Darkmantle - Scotland

CertaCito - East of England

Master Hofkens - North West of England

I would also like to thank all party members that voted, and a special thank you to everyone who stayed active on the IRC throughout the day and mobile voted. Also thank you to Darkmantle and Raziel who assisted me in planning and running our mobile voting squad.

Commiserations to the unlucky candidates that didn't win a Congress seat this time around - don't dwell on the elections and look forward to next month, where there is every chance you will not be so unfortunate.

And finally...
Congrats to Darkmantle, who is now the party's Vice President. I am grateful for his service to the party, and his good judgement and professional attitude yesterday has convinced me to make the appointment.

And finally finally...
I award the special prize of 'Congressman I'm Most Looking Forward To Working With' to:
It'll be a fun month of facepalms and ROFLs, sir.

Steve Steinbeck
UKRP President