[UKRP] Party President Report - Week 3

Day 868, 02:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters


Good morning!

In this penultimate edition of my weekly review, I shall simply be announcing my delight at a recent victory, updating citizens on current proceedings in the party, and looking ahead to the upcoming Party Presidential elections.

Triumph in the General Election

After months of TUP dominance in the presidential elections, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of Dishmcds at the start of this year. A former UKRP member, Dish ran as an independent candidate, but had the full support of the UKRP. He romped to victory, and this showed that candidates backed by the UKRP still stood a fighting chance against the behemoth that is TUP.

And now, another UKRP endorsed candidate has won - but this time, GLaDOS is a UKRP member. Our party is still a fighting force in UK politics and a UKRP President is the boost we needed.

Congratulations to GLaDOS, and thank you to everybody who helped in his campaign. Also, many thanks to FDP and ILEWP for their support - we couldn't have done it without you.

What's happening in UKRP?

We have recently had a surge of activity and motivation as everybody pulls together to help with GLaDOS's campaign. Aside from campaigning, we have resumed discussion on where we stand - by the end of my party presidential term, I hope to have finished brainstorming and finalised our new policy.

The party is also gearing up for our first party award nominations and presentations. Earlier this term I introduced an awards system to maintain our member retention and this week we shall be nominating fellow members for awards to commend their dedicated work to the party.

Party Presidency

After two terms as Party President, I shall be crawling back under my rock on the 16th April. I'm probably going to go down in history as that Party President that got the worst congress result in our two year history - but hopefully, with our recent work and victory, I won't be remembered entirely in a negative light.

We have started polls and discussions to get an impression of who intends to become my successor - hopefully, we shall have an interesting election with much anticipation and competition. At the moment, only Darkmantle has announced intention to run, but it is early days and a competitor may soon emerge...

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Steve Steinbeck
UKRP President