[UKRP] IndieKid for Y&H Congress

Day 518, 13:19 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Hello, my name is IndieKid and I stand before you as the UKRP candidate for Yorkshire and Humberside. For those new to the game, I represented this region twice before, in the January and February terms of congress. I was instrumental in setting up York City Council, the first regional council in the UK, and was head of the council for a month, and have since been an active member on the forums. If you have ever been contacted by a council representative, or been given free food if you are under level 6, that was down to me. I have increased forum activity by well over 100%, and have invited dozens of members to join the forums. I have recently become your local NHS director and have been supplying people with moving tickets and wellness, so if you need any, send a PM to Yorkshire & Humberside Clinic. For the last 2 months I have been travelling the world, first in India, but after the hostile takeover I fled the country to Romania, and fought in the paratroopers, the elite of the elite in the army, against our vicious enemies the Indonesians. I joined the group that went to the Philippines to help them rebuild their country, but at the same time, kept up to date with all that was happening via the eUK forums.

York City Council

When this was set up, it was meant to be a place that helped the citizens of Y&H, and for my time in congress, that’s what it did. However, after I left it went downhill and speaking to many new citizens, they didn’t know it even existed! I propose a massive revamp to help get it running again. There are 4 positions and I propose renaming them to sound more professional and setting each job targets at the start of each month:

Public Liaison Officer (formerly CoPR)
Contacts new citizens under level 6, and welcomes them to the game, answers any questions they have and directs them to the Food Distribution Officer and the forums. Will be expected to contact between 10-20 citizens a week, so will need to be active both in game and on the forums.

Food Distribution Officer (formerly CoH)
Contacts new citizens under level 6, and welcomes them to the game, directs any questions to the Public Liaison Officer, and gives them free food to relieve the pressure on their wallets so they can save up for better quality food.

Yorkshire Tourism Officer (formerly CoT)
Write an article in the Oyster Card paper every week (Transport for London), to attract people to move to Y&H, offer moving tickets to citizens that want them. They will also contact the London NHS director each week to see if there are any new active citizens that would like to move out.

Entertainment and Activities Officer (formerly CoE)
Run a competition each week:
Design a new logo for Y&H
Write a slogan for Y&H
Quiz with Q1 house prize
Quiz with a mystery prize!

Each Officer on the council apart from the Tourism Officer will have a day of the week allotted to them so that they can publish articles advertising their services. The NHS director will also be allotted one night a week and on the remaining nights, congressmen will be invited to write articles. The paper will be available for normal Y&H citizens to write articles in, as well as publishing congress manifestos. To become a council member, it is essential you sign up to the forums at www.forums.erepublik.co.uk and remember, we will give the job to new people over old! Of course, this plan will only work if the congressmen donate their 5 gold from winning congress, I know I will, but if others don’t then my plans will be harder to come by, however there is still some money in the YCC org so we should be ok.

Serving as the NHS director, I have seen first hand the Wellness Fast program, and have sufficient knowledge of how the system works. At the moment, I feel that Wellness fast does not work, for several reasons. Firstly, it costs a lot of money for the moving tickets, and while in the long run it may be cheaper, in the short term it costs a lot and disrupts daily life in the eUK, such as resigning from jobs which I know can be a pain for many business owners. Also, many new citizens are leaving the eUK and never coming back, and over half of all gift companies have gone out of business, which is bad for the economy and for all those owners who invested a lot of time into their businesses.

To improve the situation we (as a party) propose a NHS sponsored PRESCRIPTION Scheme. The way this would work would be that the eUK NHS would bulk buy Gifts which would be made available to the population at a subsidized rate. To be gifted under the NHS PRESCRIPTION scheme either individuals OR Companies would make payments (typically GBP 1 per health point) to their local clinic, who would then donate the gifts DIRECTLY to the patient.

Should the nation suffer budgetary constraints (as we have over the past couple of months) the cost of running the NHS PRESCRIPTION Service can simply be controlled by raising or lowering the prescription price.

This would also mean that all the lost gold that was wasted setting up the gift companies can be put to good use as they can be reopened, providing more competition on the market, more tax in the governments pockets, a competitive wage rise and the creation of more jobs in a market that often has too few.

On the subject of companies, I feel that the companies in this country are controlled by a small minority of organisations, and while that might not be a bad thing in terms of goods on the market and cheap products, I feel that newer players should have the chance to set up their own companies, however the problem is the money. If any new citizens want to set up a co-operative, say where 7 of you club together with 5G each to create a Q1 company, org and enough money for wages and materials then I feel this should be actively encouraged as it will bring more competition to the market and allow newcomers a chance to shine. If you are interested, contact me and I’ll put you in contact with others who want to take part!

On the subject of foreign affairs, I am a supporter of the ATLANTIS alliance we are part of, and feel no need to withdraw from it at this current time, because of the vulnerability it would put us under. However I feel that MPPs with war torn countries is a good thing, and there is possible talk of the eUK going to war itself against a neighbouring nation that is a member of no alliance. I know many will say that that would be an act of betrayal, but this is a game and the people of the eUK want fun in their game! I say once we have enough money, engage in a safe war, conquer some territories, gain a bigger population, more resources and have a bundle of fun!

I hope after reading this manifesto that you will confidently place your vote in me, knowing that I have both the experience and knowledge of this game and the ideas, time and drive to put them into place and to make the eUK a better place! It's Not Unusual for people to vote for their own party, but this time, please make an exception if you think what I have to say is good.

Vote IndieKid on April 25th!