[UKR]Romania's official position on the territorial integrity of eUkraine

Day 661, 12:56 Published in Ukraine China by mihail.cazacu

I am the Romanian ambassador to eUkraine. Here is the OFFICIAL Romanian answer to eUkraine's legitimate desire to recover the regions of Dnipro and Siveria.

1. The MPP we have signed with eUkraine makes it impossible to attack Podolia. That MPP was suspended when the account of our former president was hacked. Both us and the Ukrainian government are petitioning the Admins to restore it at no cost. If the Admins are too busy we will pay the cost of an MPP and reinstate it through the normal in-game procedure of voting it.

2. The Hungarian claim they hold Dnipro in order to prevent a Romanian attack is baseless because:

a. We do not need Podolia. We have voted a 1% import tax for the iron from Podolia, which means we can import the iron from there freely. Why make war when trade benefits both Romania and Ukraine and it's the cheapest and honest option?!

b. We could not attack Podolia even if we wanted to because the game mechanics prevent anybody form attacking an MPP partner.

Just like all the Hungarians have openly admitted here, the only reason they hold Dnipro is for "strategic reasons". Meaning so they can always hold Ukraine hostage:

"If you do not do as we please Russia will start a land swap with Iran, bringing Iran next to Siveria.

Then we will do a landswap with Iran as well, giving them first Siveria and then Dnipro.

It will be Iran who would to take Podolia, killing Ukraine's main source of income. And if somehow your allies push Iran out, Iran would be well hidden behind Russia, just like Colombia is hidden behind Mexico"

This is the Hungarian master plan. This is why they have repeatedly refused to hand over Dnipro AND Siveria. You have asked them 3 times, for 3 months in a row. And they refused. Because if they would have returned Siveria and kept only Dnipro "for protecting Podolia" they would not have been able to engineer the land swaps which would bring Iran to do the dirty work for them.

Of course they have signed an MPP with eUkraine because they had no intention to attack. Why should they, when they have Iran for this job?!!

In North America they've used Colombia, here they have Iran.

eUkraine's only guarantee for security and territorial integrity is to continue to sign agreements with the rest of the EDEN/Fortis countries.

Either you chose to do that or you will be treated like UK, Italy, Brazil, France. You will be used and then abandoned. Did you ask yourselves why they didn't interfere with the Romanian TO last month?

Here is why: they thought we are going to rob Ukriane blind and then not vote the MPP with Hungary. That way they would have attacked Podolia to "protect" it. They expected Ukraine would be bankrupt after we would have plundered her and they would have gained Podolia "for free".

A bankrupt Ukraine would have had no means to finance RWs, nor to build Q5 hospitals to support a baby boom. A bankrupt Ukraine would have always been dependent on Hungary for protection.

- We didn't rob Ukriane.

- We called their bluff and voted the MPP, buying you time to realize who your friends really are.

- We together with Poland and Croatia offered you military guarantees through MPPs.

- We lowered the import taxes for iron to 1% so you can export to Romania, make money and be able to build hospitals and equip your army. Hungary kept the import taxes for iron to 35% making sure their market is closed for your exporters.

With such "friends" who needs enemies? 😉