[UKPP]Review of the party conference

Day 1,799, 13:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

TL😉R Version: UKPP had a get together and went with these policies

For those who attended and those who stayed to the bitter end......it was a long night!

The Agenda covered many topics that hadn't been touched on for some time by the party as well as including elements of the postal response we received preceeding the meeting.

Being an 'in-game' orientated party our first section of rview was naturally the UKPP view on in-game laws.

The verdict of the postal ballots regarding taxation were read to those present and despite mention of the dreaded 'laffer curve' it was decided that there was no counter argument to the view of the majority of the party that we don't see any benifit from the government in return for handing over our GBP as they couldn't be bothered with a national army (this meeting was pre-Legion), The MPPs were repetitive and boring and where the money we did spend in-game went - nobody seemed to know.

We then moved through Minimum wage, Donations, Natural enemies, Citizenship and impeachment laws in what was to become relativly quick order deciding on a program of less complexity/small government, bi-lateral relations and entrusting in the democratic process.

1% Income Tax, 99% Import Tax, 1% VAT.

MINIMUM WAGE The UKPP has no plans to increase the current minimum wage.

The UKPP supports the donation from the treasury to national organisations except in instances where these funds are to be used to fund private MU's or non-inclusive social programs (i.e application to participation not offered in-game)

No UKPP congressmember shall vote or support an initiation of war unless the targetted nation is occupying native/coded eUK regions.

A partywide ballot showed an appreciable wish for better relations with the USA, The party is balloting once again to better define the members views on Allies and enemies, old and new.

Until then UKPP congressmembers are free to vote as they deem appropiate on MPP proposals.

UKPP Congressmembers are free to decide on how they use their passes and are encouraged thought not required to seek guidance from any sources they deem appropiate prior to granting citizenship.

In the future the UKPP would like to see a reformed CS commitee (in co-operation with other parties). The commitee is to act as a counsel to the congressmember and not as his judge.

UKPP Congressmembers shall only impeach a CP if the CP is inactive, Stealing from the nation or they have requested an impeachment.

After the attendees came back from inbibing Tea, Nicotine or other narcotics - the discussions moved on to community affairs there was, has been and probably forever will be little change in the problems we began raising over a year ago and having been convinced in that time that reform will not occur under the current political heirachy our positions are relativly unchanged.

Any party member or indeed any citizen is free to use whatever social communication means they wish.

The Party does however recognise that something is rotten at the heart of the 'traditional' forums and is not opposed to joining discussions with other disatisfied parties or groups wishing to offer an alternative solution.

National Army Vs Nationally funded MU's
UKPP remains strongly in favor of an apolitical national military institution based on the formula of supporting current activity over any other statistic.

Working in the national government
Any UKPP member is free to take a role in whatever system the political majority designate as 'government' but they do so as a private citizen, not as a member of the party.

Acceptance of any position is not indicative of UKPP support for or influence in said government and the member is not asked or expected to promote a UKPP agenda in what is a eUK role.

As the hour became late the conference pushed on into the final furlong and into the contentious issue of UKPP Affairs.

The ATO/PTO issue was resolved after a tied first vote resulted in a lenghty discussion on the defintions of ATO and PTO and proving the power of debate the second vote unanimously backed an option that received scant attention in the first show of hands.

The issue of CP elections bought up the perenial problem of striking a balance between the desires of the party members against the potential need to back another party to bring through some of our reforms.

The notice and ballot option has been nominated as the means we will be trying out for the time being although this will most probably be reviewed again at the next party conference.

The final contentious bone was the debate around congress elections. A number of thoughts, ideas and valid points were raised by the attendees but a final, overwhelming decision could not be reached at this conference.

Therefore (as always) the policy is that provided in-game - PP has the buttons so CP selects.

The RN will only be used to ensure the security of the UKPP.
CP elections
Members will be made aware of the coming election and asked to respond if they wish to be considered.

A ballot of all qualifying respondees + any player from another party added by the PP) will be issued to party members.

Candidate with highest number of votes is the UKPP nominee.
Congress Elections
PP will select the final list for congress elections.

Current PP has indicated he will be looking for activity as a requirement for selection.

The Dental Corp have indicated that they do not wish to partake in the UKPP food program.

Apologies to any IRC lurker that was kicked (or banned if auto-join) during the conference session.

The PP, Sir Nick would like to extend his thanks not only to the attendees but also to those party members who responded to the ballots and hopes you can join us next time.

UKPP policies and party history can be found at http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/The_UKPP


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