[UKPP] Party President

Day 1,758, 22:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dannyboy0014

Hello all,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest interests of running for the UKPP Party President and provide an overview of how I find my time within the UKPP so far!

During my time in the UKPP, I have seen our country in its ups and downs.
From a whole country, to a wiped nation.
from a booming economy to a poor Community who struggle, but still achieve ends meat!

I have seen this party in its ups and downs from the roaring UKPP Navy Dominating the waters of Great Britain, to two Separate, but still extremely close Military Units.

All this has happened in the 3 - 4 months that I have played this game, and although some things can't change, as a Party president, I will be driven to actively join this party together as a unit of forward force and a united party with a communal area so that the whole of the UKPP can participate.

It takes one to push for a goal, a TEAM to achieve it! \o/


Last month in the Parliament (congress) elections, we saw 10 Strong trustworthy candidates Take seats in the House of Lords. 25.64% of the eUKs Parliament (congress) are now spreading the word and pushing to achieve the UKPPs goals of progression for the eUK.

What's to say we can't beat that this time round? what's to say if we work as a team, we won't make 30%+ of the Seats? Well, my goal with the help of everybody in the party, will be to secure as many seats as possible for the people of the UKPP, so we can express our point of view in a more stronger manner.


It's always hard to recruit, getting the right people at the right time, providing a good enough speech to encourage people to join a certain party.
But on the same note, it's also hard for someone who is new to the game, decide between who to join, and who not to join.

So, I will be actively trying to recruit, regardless of election result, and would like to push as many people as possible to join me on doing so! 🙂

The more people join, the louder our voice is. Don't forget, The eUK is about the people, and are here to provide support to the people, But at the end of the day, it is YOU, the People of the UKPP who drive this party forward!

IRC & Forums

If elected, I would like to push for a boost in activity within the UKPP IRC and forums, so the whole party can have a voice and spread their thoughts within the party to the rest of us.
Then as a TEAM, we can all analyse the points made by the fresh minded and even though some ideas made may go against the general norm we are used too, they could possibly be the Key to the lock of the otherwise "held back" success.

Media and getting messages across

Hopefully, if elected, one of my goals will be to keep everybody updated with regards to any changes being made within UKPP, listing both good and bad (from my opinion) suggestions mentioned by the group so every one can see the effort being made by the group to promote prosperity, Because you never know, maybe it could impact the whole eUK in a good way. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and a chance to promote ideas.

Please vote for Dannyboy0014 on the 15th of September!

Long live the UKPP
Long live the eUK!