[UKGOV] MoF ~ Count all the monies!

Day 2,089, 15:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

Well, it's been a very long time since I've had the pleasure of writing a ministerial article. I honestly didn't see myself getting back in government but Carlini is such a good egg that I could not refuse his advances. Having said that, I'd like to take a minute and outline some of the key goals and programs your Ministry of Finance will be undertaking this month.

I'm a big fan of accountability. In my previous stent as Minister of Finance I published detailed reports on spending, earned income, and balance changes in our national accounts over time. That's something I can't live without and something I intend to do again. This month, the Ministry of Finance will not maintain any private spreadsheets. All information will be posted to a public spreadsheet which can be accessed and scrutinized by anyone. You won't have to login to the forums, chase down a specific player, or anything else to get the data.

What's on the spreadsheet? Just about everything you can think of that's MoF related. Tax revenue, profit earned through monetary market transactions, government spending, country account revenue, MU organization lists, ministerial links, MPPs, you name it.

In addition to the spreadsheet, weekly reports will be published Monday morning which will look at profit/loss over the previous week, daily earned income since last report, updates, government spending, and other MoF related items.

On the subject of just how much money the government has right now, I'd like to direct you to Carlini's last MoF article in which he indicated we had 1,201,770.2 GBP in combined total assets including outstanding loans, MM investments, and income in the Country Accounts. After a thorough scrubbing of our orgs, I'm pleased to report that we've got about 70,000 GBP more than that amount even after evaluating our outstanding loans at a lower rate.

Another thing which I'm pleased to announce is a preferred return rate for those players who took advantage of last month's MoF Training Contract Loan Program. Since donating gold is difficult due to the 10g/day player limit, the Ministry of Finance will be accepting GBP returns in lieu of gold at the preferred exchange rate of (1g=200gbp). This should allow players a bit of extra funds to continue saving up for future Strength Building upgrades!

Have a loan to repay? Contact either myself or Carlini.

If you've checked the country accounts out recently, you'll notice that the eUK has a nice stockpile of gold in our treasury for the first time in a very long time. The goal for the MoF this month is to spend as little as possible and get more orgs invested in the monetary market where we can earn income off them. The entire MoF staff, Carlini, and others will be keeping a close eye on the Monetary Market to ensure this global influx of gold doesn't catch us off guard. If it looks like currency will move to (1gbp=0.006g) market offers will be pulled down and relisted for additional profit. This doesn't appear to be a great likelihood, but we'll watch it none the less.

Did you know that if you're a member of a UK Military Unit your military unit likely owns a National Org? We want to encourage and reward MUs for all they do to help keep the UK safe and part of that is letting them trade money on the Monetary Market free of the 10g/day restrictions placed on citizens. We also want to create a centralized location for Military Units to release their articles, so I'm very pleased to report additional customization options for MU Orgs! Beginning now, MUs who own orgs will be allowed to rename them and create MU specific newspapers to act as central hubs for combat orders, recruitment info, contests, and all other things Military Unit related. We'll even provide you with a custom email address for your Organization and help you get everything set up. Commanders will be notified about this change in the next few days but if you can't wait just send me a message and I'll tell you all the details and tips for creating an Org newspaper for your MU!

I've probably forgotten some things, but this article is already long enough. Our first weekly report will be out on Monday morning and will update our national income, revenue, and total currency (gained or lost) over this last week.

Respectfully submitted,

Emergy Maxfell
Minister of Finance

Sharp83, Elvis Trout, LongShotzZ
Deputy Ministers of Finance